Mainstream Democrat leaders now embracing socialism; and here's how
If you're a young American you have about 8 years to understand the horrors of socialism, which is now supported by the top Democrat leadership. The reason for the deadline is that if Americans haven't thoroughly defeated Democrats / socialists by then, it will almost certainly be too late to reverse course.
The reason is that the experience of other countries shows that once socialists get power, they never voluntarily relinquish it. History shows that once they have control, they use the power of the state--at gunpoint--to force every member of the citizenry to do as they demand. There's no going back, short of armed revolution.
One of the keys to the success of socialists in a democracy is their cunning use of the promise "We'll give you free shit" to win votes. It's a lure that their uneducated, low-IQ supporters just can't resist.
Of course their wealthy, educated, "elite" supporters don't need the "free" stuff the socialists promise. Instead they support socialism because it lets them feel virtuous--and loudly signal their marvelous virtue and compassion to their peers.
Socialists get their foot in the door by playing on voters' emotions--specifically, their compassion for others. They cite the plight of the poor, and moan that it's just awful that the poor can't afford [fill in the blank], so it's our responsibility to pay for [fill in the blank] FOR them.
And if you oppose that you're cruel and raaaacist and a h8tr.
Compassion is wonderful, eh? But gee, if it's so wonderful, is there anything stopping socialists from being compassionate themselves? Of course not. And yet, how often do you see a Hollywood star quietly donating a million bucks to the local homeless shelter?
Oh, that's right: NEVER.
But...but...but...if compassion is such a faaabulous thing (which it is), why don't they voluntarily do the thing they demand the rest of us do?
Yeah, it's a real mystery.
Of course the idea of forcing taxpayers to pay for medical care for everyone is an easy sell. It's why Democrats/socialists use that as the sharp edge of the wedge. Problem is, once you accept the notion that *you* are responsible for paying for medical care for the poor, why isn't it just as reasonable to force you to pay for their food too? And their housing?
How about paying for sex-change surgery for two of their kids?
Oh, you think that ridiculous? Dudes, that's already happened: Your dear, recently-term-limited emperor instructed the "Centers for Medicare and Medicaid" to pay for sex-change operations for Medicare patients, and a federal judge just ruled that this service must be extended to Medicaid (which is "free" medical care for people below a certain income).
Before Obozo arrived, the notion of giving "free" (bullshit--it's paid for by taxpayers) medical care to everyone was rarely heard. But now top Democrats are embracing it. Here's former governor of the Peoples' Republic of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick:
Patrick also calls for "immigration enforcement policies" different from those enforced by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. But of course ICE is simply enforcing federal immigration law. Patrick wants them to not do that. Of course he could urge that the law be changed, but that cuts too close to the truth: that ICE is indeed enforcing valid U.S. law. Better to demonize ICE.
The reason is that the experience of other countries shows that once socialists get power, they never voluntarily relinquish it. History shows that once they have control, they use the power of the state--at gunpoint--to force every member of the citizenry to do as they demand. There's no going back, short of armed revolution.
One of the keys to the success of socialists in a democracy is their cunning use of the promise "We'll give you free shit" to win votes. It's a lure that their uneducated, low-IQ supporters just can't resist.
Of course their wealthy, educated, "elite" supporters don't need the "free" stuff the socialists promise. Instead they support socialism because it lets them feel virtuous--and loudly signal their marvelous virtue and compassion to their peers.
Socialists get their foot in the door by playing on voters' emotions--specifically, their compassion for others. They cite the plight of the poor, and moan that it's just awful that the poor can't afford [fill in the blank], so it's our responsibility to pay for [fill in the blank] FOR them.
And if you oppose that you're cruel and raaaacist and a h8tr.
Compassion is wonderful, eh? But gee, if it's so wonderful, is there anything stopping socialists from being compassionate themselves? Of course not. And yet, how often do you see a Hollywood star quietly donating a million bucks to the local homeless shelter?
Oh, that's right: NEVER.
But...but...but...if compassion is such a faaabulous thing (which it is), why don't they voluntarily do the thing they demand the rest of us do?
Yeah, it's a real mystery.
Of course the idea of forcing taxpayers to pay for medical care for everyone is an easy sell. It's why Democrats/socialists use that as the sharp edge of the wedge. Problem is, once you accept the notion that *you* are responsible for paying for medical care for the poor, why isn't it just as reasonable to force you to pay for their food too? And their housing?
How about paying for sex-change surgery for two of their kids?
Oh, you think that ridiculous? Dudes, that's already happened: Your dear, recently-term-limited emperor instructed the "Centers for Medicare and Medicaid" to pay for sex-change operations for Medicare patients, and a federal judge just ruled that this service must be extended to Medicaid (which is "free" medical care for people below a certain income).
Before Obozo arrived, the notion of giving "free" (bullshit--it's paid for by taxpayers) medical care to everyone was rarely heard. But now top Democrats are embracing it. Here's former governor of the Peoples' Republic of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick:
“How do we get universal, affordable care to everyone? That is something that Democrats support...and we ought to call that question in the midterms and beyond,” Patrick said.
“I believe in opportunity. I think we need an economy that is expanding and is expanding out, so it reaches people on the margins, not just up, so it's good for people who already have wealth and just want more,” he said.Notice how Patrick prefaces his call for socialism as "I believe in opportunity." Who doesn't? And notice how he says he supports "an economy that is expanding." Wow, he's reasonable, right? But what he's doing--as socialists always do--is lard their talking points with ideas everyone supports, to get people to believe "we're all on the same page." So when the speaker goes on to propose something way, way different, many listeners think the speaker is still being reasonable.
Patrick also calls for "immigration enforcement policies" different from those enforced by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. But of course ICE is simply enforcing federal immigration law. Patrick wants them to not do that. Of course he could urge that the law be changed, but that cuts too close to the truth: that ICE is indeed enforcing valid U.S. law. Better to demonize ICE.
“The sadistic policies and practices of ICE today have got to go, separating families, the walking away from DACA, the deportation of spouses of immigrants who serve in the military today. Really?” he said.Gotta import those millions of Democrat voters, eh? Cuz once Dems have a majority, socialism is a shoo-in. Cuz "free shit" fo' da' po' is the way to prosperity for our nation, right citizen?
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