August 06, 2018

Federal judge rules Medicaid must pay to treat "pigmentation dysphoria"

Found on another blog:
Just two days after a federal judge ordered that Medicaid must pay for sex-reassignment surgery for patients suffering “gender dysphoria,” a second federal judge made virtually the same ruling concerning "race-reassignment procedures" and therapies.

Both decisions are intended to force Medicaid--the federal program that provides "free" taxpayer-funded healthcare for the poor--into compliance with the Affordable Care Act signed into law by president Obama.

Experts say "pigmentation dysphoria" is a crippling condition that sets people at odds with their own visual, cultural and historical identification.  For example, it can make a light-skinned woman who identifies as African-American feel out of place in that community.  This would leave the person without a clear racial affinity group, and thus subject to debilitating emotional trauma.

Victims of pigmentaation dysphoria often face accusations of “ethnic appropriation” for listening to music, styling hair, eating food, dating partners, or using linguistic idioms that are normally used by another racial group. 

Under the terms of the court ruling, Medicaid will now provide these traumatized victims with pigment-reversion therapy, to change their skin color to match the race they identify with, and will provide counseling to ensure the victim doesn't suffer from any additional psychological trauma from their new appearance.

“Decades ago our ancestors either ignored pigmentation dysphoria or treated it as a mental illness,” Judge Sally Yates wrote. “Today we recognize that like gender dysphoria, it’s a valid, often dire condition, but one that can be treated.  Wealthy Americans have always been able to afford such treatment, and it simply isn't fair that poorer Americans haven't been able to avail themselves of the same treatment.  Today's ruling will right this injustice.”
Yates isn't related to the former Assistant Attorney-general under the Obama administration.
 Okay, how many paragraphs did it take before you were absolutely certain this was satire?


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