August 07, 2018

Leftists pushing lies--again--to make students believe whiteness is bad

If a group or nation wants to destroy an enemy or rival, there's a far easier way to do it than by having to wage (and win) a war:  Get the rival nation or group to destroy itself.

Socialists and communists have known this for at least a century, and have made destroying the U.S. and free markets and capitalism a key goal.  They realized that if they could gain control of our education system they could convince young, naive, uneducated people that because capitalism led to unequal outcomes it must be unfair, and thus evil. 

By huge contrast, in theory communism/socialism resulted in all citizens sharing equally in society's wealth, regardless of their skill, intelligence or hard work.  And for people who prized fairness, what could be more fair than everyone sharing equally regardless of education or hard work, eh?

Unless you're a political junkie you have no idea how many hundreds of organizations exist that are devoted to denigrating capitalism and to extolling the supposed virtues of socialism.  For example, consider the "National Association for Multicultural Education" (NAME), which is heavily staffed by left-wing university professors affiliated with teacher-training colleges. 

For the past 27 years it has conducted national and regional workshops or "conferences" for thousands of K-12 teachers every year.  These conferences have included sessions with titles like
  • “Undoing Whiteness in the Classroom: Critical Educational Approaches for Social Justice Activism”; 
  • “Preparing White Middle-Class Preservice Teachers (and Others) to Become Proactive Change Agents Who Teach for Social Justice”; 
  • “More Than Men in White Sheets: Helping White Students Understand Systemic Racism”;
  • “The Unbearable Whiteness of Being: Dismantling White Privilege and Supporting Anti-Racist Education in our Classrooms and Schools”; and
  • “Why Aren’t All the White Kids Learning About Privilege and Power?”
The goal of these sessions is to train teachers on how to indoctrinate students into accepting several hideously false ideas as true:
  • that education and hard work have no bearing on achievement;
  • that instead, everything achieved by whites is due to "white privilege";
  • that blacks and minorities in the U.S. are prevented from succeeding by white racism;
  • that the higher incidence of violence and lower average income of blacks and minorities has nothing to do with the widespread contempt many have for education and hard work;
  • that the remedy for all the grievances of minorities is simply to abolish whiteness;
For example, consider a tweet by Drexel University professor George Ciccariello-Maher (who's white) titled “All I Want For Christmas Is A White Genocide.”  

The group that published a journal titled Race Traitor (motto: “treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity”) seeks to create “counterfeit whites” who resist and reject racism and capitalism, thereby destroying white privilege and remaking themselves in the image of “race traitors” such as John Brown and bringing about a massive social readjustment that will usher America to a racial promised land.

Portland State University professor Rachel Sanders is typical, teaching her students that “to preserve whiteness is to preserve racial injustice.”

You might think that all these radical, marxist professors would be the "lunatic fringe," but in fact they're the darlings of academia.  Fellow professors are afraid to challenge them, because anyone who does so is immediately demonized by the Left.


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