July 12, 2018

"Progressive" websites are claiming #WalkAway movement is being driven by… Russia!

Some of you may have heard about a hashtag "#WalkAway.  It was started by an American guy who had been a Democrat, but after the presidential election he'd noticed how totally angry and debased Democrats and the left had become.

So he started #WalkAway to tell why he left the Democrat party.

About two weeks ago his story got a huge boost when actor James Woods--one of the three conservatives in Hollywood--tweeted the story and included the hashtag.

But then, totally unexpectedly, it went viral.  Liberals and life-long members of the Democrat party  who were horrified by how unhinged and insane and aggressive the Democratic Party and the "progressive" movement have become started posting their own stories and videos explaining why they had decided to just #WalkAway..

Social-media sites were linking and sharing stories.  What had started as one guy's narrative was rapidly becoming a full-fledged "preference cascade."

Watching the initial trickle of stories quickly becoming a torrent, Democrat and prog leaders were understandably desperate to find a way to stop the movement.  They knew most low-information Dems believed--against all logic--that the Russians had "colluded" with the Trump campaign to help him "steal the election" from the World's Smartest Woman.  (Seriously, that's what several media outlets actually wrote about Hilliary back when she was running for the senate in New York.)

So they hit on a brilliant countermeasure:  They're claiming the #WalkAway movement is a fake, driven by...Russia!

Really, that's what they're claiming.   For example, here's an "opinion-shaper" at left-wing rag Salon:
Russian bots are back: #WalkAway attack on Democrats is a likely Kremlin operation.
One of the present-day agitprop campaigns linked to Putin’s hacker squads is the “WalkAway” hashtag.  The Huffington Post reported [i.e. claimed] that this troll attack is a counter-measure against the “blue wave” that's coming this fall, with the WalkAway hashtag intended to simulate "real" Democrats who have supposedly chosen to leave the party due to its (try not to laugh) alleged intolerance and lack of civility…
This isn’t being circulated by earnest yet misguided voters who formerly identified as Democrats [but] is clearly being circulated by trolls connected to the Russian influence operations.
#WalkAway has obvious roots in the 2016 primaries, when Russian trolls attempted to turn liberal or left-wing voters against casting general election ballots for the eventual Democratic nominee (either Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton), thus diminishing Democratic turnout.
Note the phrase "likely Kremlin operation."  The article is devoid of any proof, because that's not necessary to win Democrat support and votes.  They WANT to believe that the Russians worked to help Trump steal the election, and for people who believe that, this is a perfectly plausible story.

The leftist rag Daily Dot immediately reinforced Salon's claim that these supposed tens of thousands of disgusted former Democrats were merely Russian "bots," or perhaps humans creating fiction:
Russian trolls on Twitter pose as ex-Democrats for #WalkAway movement
Kremlin-affiliated trolls have subversively co-opted #WalkAway as an influence campaign, data appears to show. The hashtag is boosting visibility for a right-wing-hyped non-movement of disenchanted liberals who are supposedly abandoning the Democratic Party in a bid to breed division.
Data available through Hamilton 68, an analysis project focused on monitoring agitprop and backed by the Alliance for Securing Democracy, shows that swarms of Russian troll accounts made #WalkAway one of the highest ranking hashtags on Twitter in the past 48 hours.
As the nation prepares for the 2018 midterms elections, and Democrats tout a surge of support coined the “blue wave,” these influence operations are likely to become more and more common.
Predictably, the Huffington Post agreed, and also managed to work in the cunning--and clearly false-- claim that the dozens of incidents of awful, hateful intimidation of Administration officials by Democrats--at the urging of Dem firebrand Maxine Waters and others--was merely "alleged":
Russian Bots Linked To Viral Twitter Attacks On ‘Hateful’ Dems.
In what may be an early onslaught of Kremlin-linked Twitter attacks ahead of the U.S. midterm elections, Russia bots appear to be fueling a wave of criticism targeting Democrats over alleged intimidation in political confrontations and a lack of “civility,” according to bot trackers.
Attacks with the hashtag #WalkAway purport to be from a “grassroots” wave of one-time Democrats who have left the party in part because they say they are so incensed by the hateful and divisive behavior of party members.  ["Which doesn't exist, being a total fiction created by the GOP."]  The message is to “walk away” from ugly confrontations, “intolerance” and hate — and from the Democratic Party.
But the hashtag has been connected to Russian bots. It has ranked as the third or fourth most popular Kremlin-linked hashtag for days, according to bot tracking by the Hamilton 68 site run by the bipartisan Alliance for Securing Democracy, which keeps tabs on Russian activity on the American internet.
Amusingly, Brandon Straka deftly skewered HuffPo by tweeting "Remember, this is from the same people who told conservatives they might as well stay home on election day since Trump had no chance at all of winning."

You have to give the left credit:  They’ve already devised not just the excuse they’ll advance if Democrats lose the midterms, but an excuse to keep the Mueller "special prosecutor" investigation going for Trump's entire presidency:

"If we don't win in November, the only reason is that the Russians colluded to help Trump--again."

If you have a Trump-hating liberal friend, try this:  Ask 'em if they agree that "all smart, informed Americans have known--for years"--that Trump is unstable, hot-headed, volatile and unpredictable.  They'll almost certainly agree, and enthusaistically.  Then ask 'em:  If you were the leader of a nation that regarded the U.S. an enemy, would you prefer that the president of the U.S. be unstable, hot-headed, volatile, unpredictable, or would you prefer a U.S. president who a) had been known for decades to loathe the U.S. military; b) wanted to cut both the size of our military and its budget; c) was known to have been careless about handling beyond-top-secret information; and d) wrote her capstone college thesis praising communist organizer Saul Alinsky?

While they're considering that, ask 'em this: "If, as the head of this foreign power, your staff told you
'We've found a foolproof way to influence the U.S. election.  Which candidate would you like us to help?"
Would you tell your people to help the unstable, hot-headed, volatile, unpredictable candidate, or the one who hated the military, wanted to cut U.S. defense spending and praised Saul Alinsky?

Don't mention either Hilliary or Trump by name.  Then while they're trying to figure out what just happened, walk briskly away to avoid being injured when their head explodes.

H/T Legal Insurrection


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