July 11, 2018

Leftist propaganda poster--from the brilliant Sally K

One of the mainstay tactics of people trying to start conflict is to deliberately lie about the other side's goals or policies.  (And certainly liberals and Dems aren't the only ones who do this.)

For example, consider how cunningly "progressive" Democrat Sally Kohn mis-states conservative positions, as shown below:

While one can find low-functioning people on either side who will say damn near anything, I've never heard a conservative leader claim all Muslims are bad.  In fact, quite the contrary:  Immediately after the murder of 2800 Americans by 19 Muslim hijackers on 9/11, president G.W. Bush took great pains to announce to all Americans that Islam is "the" religion of peace.

Most of us were highly skeptical, but no high-functioning person claimed all Muslims were bad. 

"Wait," scream liberals.  "Even though he didn't say it explicitly, Trumpkin implied that all Muslims were bad, when he banned Muslims from entering the U.S.--the infamous, Hitler-like 'travel ban'."

And there ya go, folks:  The "infamous" ban was NOT on all Muslims, but from just seven of the 57 Muslim-run nations in the world.  It NEVER was a "Muslim ban."  But of course the mainstream media falsely told Americans that was what it was, and gullible Trump-haters believed 'em.

The complaint many conservatives have about Muslims is that only rarely do we hear a Muslim group condemn a terrorist atrocity by other Muslims.  By stark contrast, conservatives are quick to condemn shootings by whites.  If you fail to condemn some heinous attack, don't be surprised if people believe you might not disapprove of such thing.

Kohn goes for the same sweepig generalization in her second point above:  I've never heard a high-functioning person claim, after a black shoots a cop or an innocent mother, that the entire race is bad or guilty.  See, most of us who live outside the DC bubble actually interact with blacks almost every day.  We know it's no more true that "all blacks are bad" than to claim all cops or all Muslims are bad.  But when Kohn and her fellow "progressives" claim conservatives believe all blacks are bad, her followers WANT to believe conservatives think that, so they believe Kohn's claim.

Finally, consider her third point: that when a white person shoots up a school or church, whites dismiss it as simply "the work of a lone nut."  That's true because the perp never says "I did this because I'm a member of the Aryan Brotherhood."  I can't recall a single terror event by a white where the perp was a member of any cause.  And I also know that armies of liberal reporters (there's no other kind) always turn over every scrap looking for--hoping to find--a connection to some type of conservative group.  But there never is.

But the feelings triggered by Sally's propaganda poster are impervious to truth.  Liberals want them to be true, because it makes them feel self-righteous.  And people who believe they're fighting for "right" are far more committed to the cause.

Frankly I'm surprised Sally didn't call conservatives Nazis and propose higher taxes.  Cuz both those points poll very well with Dem focus groups.


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