July 11, 2018

"Gay Pride Parade" disrupted by lesbians complaining about male-to-fem tranny lesbians (mind-bending)

The Left loves gays.  Absolutely, without reservation.  Dems are constantly pushing for gay rights.

Of course with the Supreme Court having rammed gay marriage into law, there's not a lot of new ground to be gained with gay rights--that's pretty much a done deal.

But there's a new hot cause for the Left:  "Transgender rights."

And it's the new, hot cause for the Left.  Because ramming gay characters--particularly gay men--into every TV sitcom has gotten so passe.  Conservatives hardly notice anymore.  What fun is that?

The hot new way for the Left to stick it to conservatives is to demand that a man who simply declares he's a female IS fully female, and can then use womens' facilities, compete against "real" women in sporting events (of course the Left doesn't say "real" women), be listed as "mother" on a kid's birth certificate and so on.  The Left loves transgenders.

You can see this very plainly displayed in newspaper stories about trannies:  Without exception, the stories refer to the trans person by their new, declared gender.  This rule is even part of the AP stylebook--and the Associated Press is entirely Leftist.

In the Left's eagerness to destroy the U.S., gays have supported trans rights.  "Cuz we're all 'stickin' it to da man, right, comrade?"

Wait...was that a tiny, tiny voice of...dissent we just heard?

Turns out a week ago in London, thousands of gays were about to start the "London Pride Parade" when a group of lesbian activists disrupted and delayed the start, in protest against the event's inclusion of male-to-female transgenders.

The protesters waved banners reading "Transactivism erases lesbians," and "Lesbian = Female."  One screamed "A man who says he’s a lesbian is a rapist" — an apparent reference to male-to-female transgender individuals.

Other activists handed out pamphlets claiming that the Gay event's expanding scope left lesbians marginalized and coerced into believing their sexual preferences were abhorrent. One flier read, "The trans movement is … coercing lesbians to have sex with men.  We firmly condemn this vicious form of anti-lesbianism disguised as progress."

Another activist told reporters that, "Transgenderism is conversion therapy. Conversion therapy is wrong."  Wait...isn't "conversion therapy" the effort to convert gays back into straights?  How could being a tranny possibly be construed as "conversion therapy"?  Okay, it's confusing.

The activist also claimed "Only women can be lesbians. A man who has surgery can never be a lesbian."

Whoa!  That's really COLD!  Why so judgmental, sister?

The incident is the latest in a string of clashes between activists who demand all sexes, genders, and gender-sexual preferences be included under the LGBTQIA+ banner, and those who say the acceptance of tranny lesbians makes them "feel marginalized" and have felt left out of Pride events this year.

They told parade organizers that lesbians prefer sex with only biological females, not transgender men who might dress and live as women but who have not completed gender reassignment surgery.

I swear I'm not making this up.

Gotta love it when a long-time leftist group angrily realizes they've been displaced by a new, more favored leftist group.  But I'm sure Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren can smooth all those ruffled feathers.  Need to get over that lover's quarrel. 


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