July 10, 2018

Mehico's new hard-Left president has a Plan to stop drug cartels: Amnesty and legalization

Last week Mehico elected a new president--a hard-Leftist.  To give you an idea of where this guy's head is at, one of his campaign planks was his belief that everyone in the hemisphere had the absolute right to enter the U.S. at will.  Yeah.

So...he just announced his "plan" to "stop the drug cartels" that have made life in Mehico so terribly dangerous for the last couple of decades.  And it is [drum roll please]..."Hugs, not bullets."

He then explained that this will include legalizing drugs, instituting gun control, and reducing prison sentences for those convicted of drug crime.

The guy's proposed interior minister, Olga Sanchez, said the new plan will involve "leniency for those who admit guilt."  "Not only will it be amnesty, it will be a law to reduce jail time."  "We will propose decriminalization...we will give scholarships to the youth."

Sounds to me like this Leftist is working for the cartels.  And big surprise, right?  After all, "everyone knows" that drug use is a "victimless crime," right?  At least that's what U.S. Democrat "leaders" constantly tell us.  And the media tells us they're really, really smaht, and that we should believe 'em.

Cuz, like, when has a Democrat idea been anything other than a rousing success, right?


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