This is the Left, laid bare; content warning
Every shit-head leftist--Antifa, Democrats, "revolutionaries"--needs to stare at the pic below until it's burned into whatever useless mass of cells you call a brain.
The monster shooting the helpless women is your side's hero Che Guevara--the 'enforcer' for Fidel Castro. Guevara was known for executing unarmed "enemies of the Left."
The image of two 20-ish women waiting to be killed--hands at their sides, simply standing there, helpless, not trying to run--should make you realize how idiotic, how evil, is your idolization of Guevara. But for most of you, it won't. You simply don't understand. Anything.
Your evil idiocy is patently obvious from the fact that you idolize Guevara. And Fidel. And Stalin, and Lenin, and Nicholas Maduro (communist prez of starving Venezuela) and the whole corrupt regime of North Korea, and the bloody mullahs running Iran, and...anyone, anywhere who is thuggish and ruthless and trying to tear down civilization in the name of...what? Shooting helpless women?
This IS the Left. Laid bare. It's what the Left wants. And why we must never let the government take away our right of self-defense against monsters like this.
The monster shooting the helpless women is your side's hero Che Guevara--the 'enforcer' for Fidel Castro. Guevara was known for executing unarmed "enemies of the Left."
The image of two 20-ish women waiting to be killed--hands at their sides, simply standing there, helpless, not trying to run--should make you realize how idiotic, how evil, is your idolization of Guevara. But for most of you, it won't. You simply don't understand. Anything.
Your evil idiocy is patently obvious from the fact that you idolize Guevara. And Fidel. And Stalin, and Lenin, and Nicholas Maduro (communist prez of starving Venezuela) and the whole corrupt regime of North Korea, and the bloody mullahs running Iran, and...anyone, anywhere who is thuggish and ruthless and trying to tear down civilization in the name of...what? Shooting helpless women?
This IS the Left. Laid bare. It's what the Left wants. And why we must never let the government take away our right of self-defense against monsters like this.

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