April 07, 2018

Obama administration secretly changed rules for Social Security to encourage more illegals to apply for...

When people apply for "above-board" jobs in the U.S, they have to give their employer their Social Security number.  When illegal aliens do this, three-quarters of the time it's fake.  Yes, the Social Security Administration estimates that three out of four illegal aliens use a fake Social Security number.

For over 25 years, when the Social Security Administration found a mis-match between an SS number and the name of the person who had that number, it notified employers.  This wasn't to catch illegals but was intended to ensure that the employee's wages and SS withholding were credited to the correct account.  Because if a single digit is mis-copied or transposed, the employee's SS account wouldn't get credited with those wages, which could reduce SS benefits.

Now a law professor at Temple University claims the Obama administration very quietly ordered the SS people to stop sending out those mis-match letters--in order to encourage more illegal aliens to apply for the illegal, Obama-decreed amnesty program called DACA.  Otherwise known as "two million new votes for Democrats."

Obama ordered this change because when U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS) began accepting DACA applications in 2012, applicants were required to list all Social Security numbers they'd ever used.  Since using a fake SS number is supposedly a felony (notwithstanding Obama's having an SS number from Connecticut--a state he'd never visited when he allegedly got it), many DACA applicants would have been admitting they'd committed a felony.

As soon as this disincentive to apply for DACA was brought to the administration’s attention, the Obama empire scrambled to fix it:  Just eight days after DACA commenced, the administration ordered the Social Security Administration (SSA) to stop notifying employers when an SS number didn't match the holder's name.

A day or two later USCIS rushed out a statement that they were “not interested” in identifying individual violations of “some federal law in an employment relationship.”

Read that again:  the Obama administration's official policy was to ignore possible felony use of a fake SS number.  Illegal as hell, and unconstitutional.  But no one said boo.

Shortly after that, USCIS changed their website, telling illegal alien applicants that they should only report an SSN if it was “officially issued to you by the Social Security Administration.”

To re-cap: DACA took effect on August 15th, 2012.  Days later the Obama administration ordered USCIS to stop requiring applicants to list fake SS numbers.  Then on August 23rd--just 8 days after DACA began--the Obama administration ordered the Social Security Administration to stop notifying employers that they'd found an SS mismatch.

Even more infuriating is the fact that although Obama's Social Security munchkins were ordered to stop notifying employers about SSN mismatch on Aug. 23, 2012, they didn't notify the public in any was until more than four years later, on Sept. 16, 2016, as Obama's reign drew to a close. Even then they made no live, recordable announcement, but buried notice of the suspension in a footnote to an SSA Records Maintenance notice and, until now, was virtually unknown outside the SSA.

Apparently Team Obama didn't want voters to know about their deed.

Remember how the Lying Media positively gushed when Obastard promised that his administration would be the most transparent EVER? 

Is that transparency? 

 H/T  the Washington Times


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