March 26, 2018

Homeless surges now that Trump is prez: Activists claim homeless in greater LA up 23% in one year??

You may have heard that Los Angeles has "a homeless problem."

This problem began just after Trump was sworn in as president.  Under the brilliant, innovative polices of Obama the Great, homelessness had been eradicated.  But the moment Trump was sworn in he ordered his slumlord buddies to evict all low-income people, and de-funded all the homeless shelters.  The number of homeless in the U.S. jumped by 23 percent in a single day.

At least that's the story Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi tell.  And the Lying Mainstream Media lap it up.  Oh well....

But seriously:  Organizing the homeless is a huge business in California.  How big?  Well, each year the region hosts a thing called the "Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count," which is done by about 8,000 volunteers.  The count is a big deal because homeless people count toward winning additional congressional seats.  So more homeless people means more political power.

And guess what?  The 2017 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count found that the number of homeless in L.A. county jumped 23% from a year earlier.

Now, a 23% increase in a single year is huge.  Given the potential power increase, and the federal dollars given to states with more homeless, that may well be an exaggeration.  On the other hand, it may be accurate.  California has a great climate, and medical marijuana.  And drugs are cheaper in Cali because there's such a large supply.  In fact, if weed is now medically prescribed, how long til some hotshot law firm sues the federal government demanding that medicaid pay for their weed.

But still...23% more homeless in a single year?  That's...amazing.  Almost unreal.  Almost like...they might be inflating the count to get more federal (taxpayer) dollars or something.  Hmm....


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