March 25, 2018

What about dreamers?

“Dreamers“ refers to illegal aliens allegedly brought into the U.S. before the age of 15 (which no federal judge will ever check) by their parents (which no federal judge will ever check).  Obama issued an executive "memo" allowing everyone who claimed to be a member of this category to stay in the U.S.  If the memo wasn't rescinded they could stay indefinitely.

That decree violated U.S. immigration law.  But hey, in our new America the law only matters when Democrats can use it to imprison, fine or kill someone who disagrees with them about something.

Of course Democrats claim that since these "children" were brought here “through no fault of their own,” we can't possibly deport them.

Democrats claim dreamers “are doing jobs Americans won't do."  So why aren’t we being bombarded with television interviews and profiles of these amazing human beings?  You'd think the airwaves would be filled with heartwarming stories of the fabulous work being done by the million or so wonderful “Dreamers.”  Who, Dems claim, must be given full amnesty and citizenship.

Aside from the female dreamer attorney hired by the state of California, I haven't seen any such actual, verifiable stories like that.  Surely the Dems have lots of candidates for such stories.  After all, their media allies portrayed a thug who tried to shoot a cop into “Gentle giant, Mike Brown.” They turned Trayvon Martin into an altar boy.

No doubt some are fine.  But what's the whole story?  What percentage have been convicted of a felony or killed someone in a drunk driving accident?  In 2009 The New York Times gushed over illegal alien dreamer Benita Veliz, whose crowning achievement was being top of a highschool class that was 98 percent minority students.  Less than half their students are “English proficient,” and only 16 percent are ready for college.

Three years later she was still the top achiever the Democrats could find: In 2012, she was a speaker at the Democratic National Convention.  Is this worth opening our borders?


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