March 18, 2018

NJ public school suspends students for "possessing a gun OFF school property"

Bureaucrats--including educrats--couldn't care less about your rights, and will happily punish you or your kids if you try to exercise any they don't like.  Like this:

Two students from Lacey Township high school (Peoples' Republic of New Jersey) went to a local gun range with family.  They posted a pic on social media of them shooting, with the caption "Fun day at the range."

When school pencil-neck gun-fearing wussies saw the pics, they reportedly suspended the two students for five days each, claiming the two had "violated school policy on weapons possession." 

Ah, I see.  It's "school policy."  And what policy is that? 

Turns out the sh*t-head educrats made a policy barring students from possessing guns either on OR OFF school property.

In classic bureau-crap form, superintendent Craig Wigley emailed the local paper that "information posted on social media is incorrect," but refused to say what aspect of the accounts posted on social media was inaccurate.  He used the usual bureau-crap dodge that "private matters involving students cannot be discussed."

Ed Cardinal, whose son attends the same school, said the school had also barred students from exercising other rights.  He said school officials demanded that his son remove a window sticker on his truck depicting a gun, and threatened to suspend him if he refused.

This is how the Left steals the rights supposedly guaranteed by the Constitution.  It's cunning and brilliant.  And if you doubt it's working, read the comments at the link:  about ten percent defend the suspension because...wait for it..."the boys violated school policy."

Welcome to the new America.


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