Nine Democrat-ruled states pushing for an unlimited tax on CO2--brilliant scheme!
Democrat state legislator in nine states are pushing bills that will taxes CO2 emissions, which arise from burning anything--like natural gas or gasoline.
The Dems claim the tax is necessary to slow global warming. Most of the Democrat proposals would start the tax at $10 to $15 per ton of CO2 released, but only in the first year. Then each year the tax would automatically increase.
Democrat state legislator in nine states are pushing bills that will taxes CO2 emissions, which arise from burning anything--like natural gas or gasoline.
The Dems claim the tax is necessary to slow global warming. Most of the Democrat proposals would start the tax at $10 to $15 per ton of CO2 released, but only in the first year. Then each year the tax would automatically increase.
For instance, in Connecticut the bill being pushed would start with a tax of $15 per ton and increase by $5 per ton every year indefinitely.
Sweet, eh? A tax that increases indefinitely. From a Dem politician's view it couldn't be better.
carbon tax schemes have been offered this year in Maryland,
Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, and Washington
If you think any of these tax bills will be defeated in a Democrat-ruled state, you're dreaming.
But we're just getting started, citizen! Since the poor use electricity and gas heat just like everyone else, poverty supporters would surely complain that a CO2 tax wasn't "progressive" enough. Of course the Dems can't have that, so
many of these taxing schemes also include elaborate sub-schemes to "redistribute" the tax revenues to the poor.
Hey, this gets better and better, citizen! Cuz this will require more bureaucrats, more gruberment drones who will vote Democrat and get huge pensions. Yay! A perfect plan, if you're a Dem. For example, in New York's proposal 60 percent of the tax revenue would be given to “very low to moderate income” New Yorkers. I.e. the Democrats' natural voting base.
Dems devised these
"rebates" to convince low-income voters to support the tax, since they promise "low to moderate income" residents won't end up paying more after the rebates. Well not much, anyway.
Also, the cunning authors of these taxes believe businesses won't move to
more business-friendly states to avoid these new taxes — cutting local jobs. And of course they wouldn't really care in any case.
And what effect would a carbon
tax have...on everyone? One study estimated that the price of gasoline would rise 20 cents per gallon
in the tax’s first year and would be more than 90 cents higher than the
researcher’s baseline projection by the 2050s.
Fortunately this doesn't affect low-income urban residents, since they mainly use the wonderful public transit systems. And for suburbanites? Tough.
justification Democrats use to support taxing CO2 is that it’s necessary to
help stop global warming, which Dems (and some RINOs) claim is caused mostly by CO2 created by human activity. Many scientists
disagree, but even
if global warming was the result of CO2 emissions, carbon
taxes in the United States would have absolutely no effect on global
warming, because other nations with far larger populations, like China and
India, will continue expanding their fossil-fuel-powered industries at
rates that far surpass what few reductions would be made in America.
Former Secretary of State of John Kerry acknowledged this in a December 2015 speech to
the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change: “The fact is that even
if every American citizen biked to work, carpooled to school, used only
solar panels to power their homes, if we each planted a dozen trees, if
we somehow eliminated all of our domestic greenhouse gas emissions — that still wouldn’t be enough to offset the carbon
pollution coming from the rest of the world.”
means the economic pain and suffering created by carbon taxes on Americans would
benefit absolutely no one — except, of course, the renewable power
special interest groups that have cozied up to lawmakers to pressure
them to impose carbon taxes and other mandates that benefit their
But by all means, Democrats: Push that notion of taxing the hell out of CO2. In fact, if you're really serious, why not slap a state tax of $5 per gallon on gasoline right now? Show your citizens you're really serious about cutting CO2. I'm certain they'll recognize the brilliance of your thinking and reward you handsomely in November.
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