January 05, 2018

2017 poll claims more Americans want larger federal government ??

Every year for the last 22 years NBC and the Wall Street Journal have asked Americans whether they want government to do more, or whether they feel government is already doing too many things that should be left to individuals or the private sector.

In the 2017 poll a record 57% of those polled Americans said they want MORE government in their lives, and that the government should be doing more to solve people’s problems. That’s the highest percentage since they first asked the question in 1995. In fact, 57% is nearly double what people responded in the mid-90s.

Haven't yet found the results broken down by age of respondents, but I'd be willing to bet that the biggest increase was in people under 30.

I wouldn't believe NBC if they said rain was wet, but if the poll is accurate and unbiased the reported results should worry you a lot.  For one thing, people who believe "more government is the solution to everything" are likely to vote for more "freebies" (paid for by taxpayers, of course)--and to favor higher taxes.  Both of which cripple the economy

To compound this problem, people who don't understand the link between more "freebies," higher taxes and the economy know that a willingness to pay higher taxes marks them as extremely virtuous, part of the "cool crowd" of moviestars, rappers and Trump-hating "comedians." 

And of course Democrat politicians (and many RINOs) are eager to promise more "freebies" to ensure their continuous re-election.

The nation's education system constantly barrages their captive students with the idea that corporations and businessmen are eeeevil--with the full support of the Left.

If I were a strategist for the Republican party I'd be *very* worried about that poll result.


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