December 18, 2017

White House killed investigation into billion-dollar Muzz drug ring. Wait, y'say that was *Obama's* White House??

"Politico" is a totally Democrat-supporting website.  I can't recall ever seeing a post on that site before today that was critical of any Democrat politician, regardless of how treacherous.  

Thus I was surprised to see Politico report that Obama's White House virtually shut down a U.S. task force targeting a billion-dollar drug enterprise run by Muslims--specifically Hezbollah--in order to get the ghastly nuclear "deal" with Iran.

Politico claims the Iranian-backed Muslim group Hezbollah was running drugs-- cocaine and heroin--into the United States.  Some investigators believed the operation was netting the group a billion dollars a year.  In 2008 the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration launched an operation to shut it down.

Over the next eight years agents tracked cocaine shipments to the United States.  With the help of cooperating witnesses, the agents believed they had traced the conspiracy to the innermost circle of Hezbollah and its state sponsors in Iran.

But as the investigation began to show Iranian involvement, high-ranking officials in the Obama administration began blocking the investigation, according to interviews with dozens of participants.

Specifically, when investigators sought approval for some significant arrests, prosecutions and financial sanctions, officials at the Justice and Treasury departments delayed, hindered or rejected their requests.

The Justice Department refused to let investigators file criminal charges against major players such as Hezbollah’s high-profile envoy to Iran, a Lebanese bank that allegedly laundered billions in alleged drug profits, and a central player in a U.S.-based cell of the Iranian paramilitary Quds force.  At the same time, the State Department rejected requests to lure high-value targets to countries where they could be arrested.

According to David Asher, who helped establish and oversee the investigation, the Obama administration "ripped apart this entire effort.  It was done from the top.”

So with these findings in hand, I wondered how Politico would spin the story to absolve Obama and the Dems of any responsibility for wrongdoing.  I didn't have long to wait:
The untold story of Project Cassandra illustrates the immense difficulty in mapping and countering illicit networks in an age where global terrorism, drug trafficking and organized crime have merged, but also the extent to which competing agendas among government agencies — and shifting priorities at the highest levels — can set back years of progress.
See how Politico just totally changed the thrust of the story?  "The untold story" of the investigation is no longer one of the Obama White House sabotaging an investigation and prosecution of a drug ring, but simply "illustrates the immense difficulty in mapping and countering illicit networks."  Politico then helpfully adds that much of the problem may also be due to "competing agendas among government agencies."

Oh certainly.  Got it.  Well played, Democrats!  Cuz everyone knows that government agencies are always fighting each other to win more money and add to their mission.  So the DEA prosecution was probably sabotaged by the FBI or CIA or some such.  Well played.

Obama had entered office in 2009 promising to improve relations with Iran.  During the campaign he repeatedly claimed that the Bush administration’s policy of pressuring Iran to stop its illicit nuclear program wasn’t working, and he pledged to reach out to Tehran to reduce tensions. 

The man picked by Obama as his top counterterrorism adviser--and later chosen by Obama to be director of the CIA--John Brennan, went further.  In a policy paper he urged “greater assimilation of Hezbollah into Lebanon’s political system.”

Brennan was notoriously sympathetic to all Muslim hard-liners.  CIA sources claim he was a convert to Islam--a charge Brennan refused to either confirm or deny.  No matter:  The usual Democrat media shills pooh-poohed the charge in print, making the denial for him.

Go to the Politico article and read the whole thing.  Again, I've never seen Politico criticize any Dem for anything before now, and I'm totally skeptical that they've suddenly gotten honest.  Instead I suspect they've had this story ready to go for some time, and have only chosen to publish it because they've heard it's about to come out from some other source.  By posting it first they allow more mainstream Dem propaganda outlets to claim "We were gonna cover that story but Politico did it first so by that time it was 'old news.'  And as everyone knows, old news isn't worth covering--well, unless it's some charge about Donald Trump assaulting women or something."

The other advantage of striking first is that it gives the Dems a chance to try out candidate lines for the best spin--something that will let low-info Dem voters simply nod and think "Yeah, isn't it awful how competing government agencies try to sabotage each other's investigations?"


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