The case of the five Pakistani "IT specialists" hired by House Dems just got even more interesting
If you've been paying attention in the last ten days or so you've seen conclusive evidence that the FBI--which was supposed to be totally non-partisan, objective, honest--is in fact totally political and corrupt. They only investigated what Obama and Holder and Lynch wanted them to.
And both agencies are still packed to the gills with Obama holdovers who are determined to escape punishment for their corrupt acts. Even if damning evidence of their corruption is discovered, they have enough allies in the FBI and DOJ that they're counting on never being brought to trial. It's sickening, and should be grounds for execution.
The latest twist is the report--unexpectedly published by Dem-supporting Politico-- that the Obama regime quashed a DEA investigation into a massive operation to smuggle drugs into the U.S., run by the Muslim organization Hezbollah. One of the goals of the smuggling operation was to funnel millions of dollars into overseas accounts to buy weapons.
It's thought that the reason Team Obama quashed the DEA investigation was that Hezbollah is directed and supplied by Iran, and that Obozo believed busting the smuggling/fundraising operation would anger Iran, and thus would make the Iranians less willing to sign a nuclear "non-treaty" that the emperor so badly wanted.
The DEA investigation also found that part of the money-transfer operation involved...used cars?? The report on Operation Cassandra didn't give any details, so at first I thought it meant Hezbollah was buying used cars, shipping them overseas and selling 'em, using the profits get it.
Turns out they were actually using "dummy" used-car dealerships to take cars "on consignment", sell 'em, stiff the original sellers and send ALL the cash overseas.
And it gets better.
Remember the five Pakistani nationals--the Awans--who were inexplicably hired by 30 Democrat congresswhores, at the urging of former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz as "IT specialists"? They were paid absolutely top dollar--salaries equivalent to a congress-person's chief of staff--to "manage" each Democrat member's office computers, but in fact only one of 'em actually showed up to do the work. The rest were "ghost employees."
Okay, so far it's just typical Democrat incompetence. Stupid but not illegal. Oh wait...the five were stealing every piece of computer gear they could get their hands on. And the Dem congresswhores who hired them simply wrote off the missing computers, iPads and Blackberries as "lost." One office alone--NY Democrat Yvette Clark's--wrote off a documented $120,000 in missing computer gear while Abid was managing her office.
And that's just from one office.
Starting to get mad yet?
How bad was it? Well it turns out investigators knew for several years that the Awans were running about eight "paper businesses," including several used-car companies. They'd been sued dozens of times for not paying people who sold them cars, but somehow always managed to dodge any punishment. Cuz they were "connected," eh?
The dominant brother--Imran--also wired money to overseas accounts thousands of times. Literally, the FBI compiled "hundreds of pages" of "Suspicious Activity Reports" of wire transfers or deposits far over $10,000.
And what did the FBI do with those hundreds of pages of reports?
Zip. Nada.
If you or I had done that, we'd be in jail. But the Pakistanis were "connected," protected by their patron and employer, Democrat congress-critter and DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
Starting to see it yet?
The Daily Caller summarized the Awans "business empire" here, and it's worth a read. My summary:
The Awans first two used-car dealerships were "Cars International" and "Cars International-A," but they weren't run like an ordinary car dealership. For one thing, no inventory. Instead, if a customer walked in looking to buy a car, Abid Awan — who was managing partner of the dealership while also earning $160,000 a year "working" for House Democrats — would go across the street to another used-car company called AAA Motors and get one.
The owner of AAA Motors was Nasir Khattak, who testified in a lawsuit “There was no documentation...If you go and try to dissect, you will not be able to make any sense out of them because there were many, dozens and dozens, of cars transferred between the two dealerships and between other people.”
Khattak was never asked to explain why he would ruin his existing business to
help the Awans. “All of those transactions was to support Cars
International A from AAA Motors,” he testified. “That’s why I did not
make any money from my dealership because my resources were supporting
Cars International A.”
Because Imran Awan and his family members were congressional IT aides, they could read all the emails of members of the House Intelligence committee, Homeland Security committee, and Foreign Affairs committee. Since congresswhores are dumb as dirt--except when they devise schemes to enrich themselves--what do you think the chances are that some of those emails contained classified information? 100 percent, maybe?
Officials told Politico that prosecutors refused to authorize them to prosecute top Hezbollah operatives involved in its money laundering network because of political concerns, such as fears of jeopardizing the Obama administration’s deal with Iran.
Similarly, the Awans weren't charged with any crimes surrounding the dealership nor with their House activities. One can easily guess that disclosure of a House IT breach shortly before the election by Pakistani-born Democratic staffers would have damaged the Dems and possibly reduced their number of House seats.
Shortly before the 2016 election, investigators found huge amounts of House computer equipment missing. They also found that the Awans had logged into the computers of Members (of congress) for whom they did not work. One report stated that there were signs that the House Democratic Caucus’ server “is being used for nefarious purposes and elevated the risk that individuals could be reading and/or removing information,” according to a House investigation.
Investigators also found that the Awans were sending files from House Democrat computers to a remote server, “a classic method for insiders to exfiltrate data from an organization.” Investigators also found that they had tried to conceal that activity.
Abid incorporated Cars International in 2008, and Cars International A in 2009, taking out loans from the Congressional credit union. It is not clear how he could have been working at both the dealership and a high-paid congressional job.
In 2010, the "Cars-A" dealership got a $100,000 loan from Dr. Ali Al-Attar, who is of Iranian heritage and was a minister in the Iraqi government, according to court records. Al-Attar is a fugitive wanted by the U.S. government. The money was moved from Ali Al-Attar through accounts intended for Fairfax County real estate. Both Imran Awan and Khattak — who also put up $200,000 in cash as an investor in CIA — had realtors licenses.
It’s not clear where the dealership’s money was going, because it was sued by at least five different people on all ends of a typical car business who said they were stiffed. Cars-A didn’t pay the security deposit, rent or taxes for its building, nor did it pay wholesalers who provided cars, according to court filing in lawsuits.
Adding to the evidence of corrupt dealing, some of the consignment agreements used the same VIN for different cars.
Abid declared bankruptcy in 2010 to discharge debts racked up by the car dealership. One person shown in the bankruptcy filing as being owed money by the dealership, Rao Abbas, later showed up on the House payroll as an IT aide, even though his most recent job experience was working at McDonalds.
Democrats refused to explain why they hired him.
In 2014 members of the Awan family incorporated Discover EZ Car Buying Co, followed the next year by Regional Car Center Inc. Virginia incorporation documents list the location of the businesses as Abid’s home address.
There is no evidence that either of the dealerships ever had an physical business location, which is strange for a business that would normal depend on making sure potential customers know where to find them.
A relative of the Awans told TheDCNF that Abid sent huge quantities of iPads and iPhones to Pakistan and that Imran frequently talked about Russia. They also sent money to a Pakistani police officer. The brothers’ stepmother, Samina Gilani, said in court documents that when the family spends time in Pakistan, the brothers are escorted by a motorcade of Pakistani government agents.
They bought houses near D.C. will little money down, then rented them out. Tenants say they insisted that rent be paid in cash. Sources said the FBI generated Suspicious Activity Reports hundreds of pages long based on large cash deposits and international wires.
Members of congress who hired the Awans--all of them Democrats--have refused to acknowledge what is well-known among House staffers: that investigators found conclusive evidence that the Awans wantonly violated House regulations. As one House IT staffer put it, “If I'd been accused of a tenth of what these guys are accused of, they’d take me out in handcuffs that same day.”
Other IT staffers with direct knowledge of the Awans criminal acts say the FBI hasn’t even contacted them to schedule interviews.
Politico’s money-laundering story also found the FBI curiously uninterested in pursuing the Awans, or Democrat members who failed to report them. One prosecutor said “Right now we have 50 FBI agents not doing anything, because they know their Iran cases aren’t going anywhere.”
For those wanting to know more, check the links below:
And both agencies are still packed to the gills with Obama holdovers who are determined to escape punishment for their corrupt acts. Even if damning evidence of their corruption is discovered, they have enough allies in the FBI and DOJ that they're counting on never being brought to trial. It's sickening, and should be grounds for execution.
The latest twist is the report--unexpectedly published by Dem-supporting Politico-- that the Obama regime quashed a DEA investigation into a massive operation to smuggle drugs into the U.S., run by the Muslim organization Hezbollah. One of the goals of the smuggling operation was to funnel millions of dollars into overseas accounts to buy weapons.
It's thought that the reason Team Obama quashed the DEA investigation was that Hezbollah is directed and supplied by Iran, and that Obozo believed busting the smuggling/fundraising operation would anger Iran, and thus would make the Iranians less willing to sign a nuclear "non-treaty" that the emperor so badly wanted.
The DEA investigation also found that part of the money-transfer operation involved...used cars?? The report on Operation Cassandra didn't give any details, so at first I thought it meant Hezbollah was buying used cars, shipping them overseas and selling 'em, using the profits get it.
Turns out they were actually using "dummy" used-car dealerships to take cars "on consignment", sell 'em, stiff the original sellers and send ALL the cash overseas.
And it gets better.
Remember the five Pakistani nationals--the Awans--who were inexplicably hired by 30 Democrat congresswhores, at the urging of former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz as "IT specialists"? They were paid absolutely top dollar--salaries equivalent to a congress-person's chief of staff--to "manage" each Democrat member's office computers, but in fact only one of 'em actually showed up to do the work. The rest were "ghost employees."
Okay, so far it's just typical Democrat incompetence. Stupid but not illegal. Oh wait...the five were stealing every piece of computer gear they could get their hands on. And the Dem congresswhores who hired them simply wrote off the missing computers, iPads and Blackberries as "lost." One office alone--NY Democrat Yvette Clark's--wrote off a documented $120,000 in missing computer gear while Abid was managing her office.
And that's just from one office.
Starting to get mad yet?
How bad was it? Well it turns out investigators knew for several years that the Awans were running about eight "paper businesses," including several used-car companies. They'd been sued dozens of times for not paying people who sold them cars, but somehow always managed to dodge any punishment. Cuz they were "connected," eh?
The dominant brother--Imran--also wired money to overseas accounts thousands of times. Literally, the FBI compiled "hundreds of pages" of "Suspicious Activity Reports" of wire transfers or deposits far over $10,000.
And what did the FBI do with those hundreds of pages of reports?
Zip. Nada.
If you or I had done that, we'd be in jail. But the Pakistanis were "connected," protected by their patron and employer, Democrat congress-critter and DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
Starting to see it yet?
The Daily Caller summarized the Awans "business empire" here, and it's worth a read. My summary:
The Awans first two used-car dealerships were "Cars International" and "Cars International-A," but they weren't run like an ordinary car dealership. For one thing, no inventory. Instead, if a customer walked in looking to buy a car, Abid Awan — who was managing partner of the dealership while also earning $160,000 a year "working" for House Democrats — would go across the street to another used-car company called AAA Motors and get one.
The owner of AAA Motors was Nasir Khattak, who testified in a lawsuit “There was no documentation...If you go and try to dissect, you will not be able to make any sense out of them because there were many, dozens and dozens, of cars transferred between the two dealerships and between other people.”
Because Imran Awan and his family members were congressional IT aides, they could read all the emails of members of the House Intelligence committee, Homeland Security committee, and Foreign Affairs committee. Since congresswhores are dumb as dirt--except when they devise schemes to enrich themselves--what do you think the chances are that some of those emails contained classified information? 100 percent, maybe?
Officials told Politico that prosecutors refused to authorize them to prosecute top Hezbollah operatives involved in its money laundering network because of political concerns, such as fears of jeopardizing the Obama administration’s deal with Iran.
Similarly, the Awans weren't charged with any crimes surrounding the dealership nor with their House activities. One can easily guess that disclosure of a House IT breach shortly before the election by Pakistani-born Democratic staffers would have damaged the Dems and possibly reduced their number of House seats.
Shortly before the 2016 election, investigators found huge amounts of House computer equipment missing. They also found that the Awans had logged into the computers of Members (of congress) for whom they did not work. One report stated that there were signs that the House Democratic Caucus’ server “is being used for nefarious purposes and elevated the risk that individuals could be reading and/or removing information,” according to a House investigation.
Investigators also found that the Awans were sending files from House Democrat computers to a remote server, “a classic method for insiders to exfiltrate data from an organization.” Investigators also found that they had tried to conceal that activity.
Abid incorporated Cars International in 2008, and Cars International A in 2009, taking out loans from the Congressional credit union. It is not clear how he could have been working at both the dealership and a high-paid congressional job.
In 2010, the "Cars-A" dealership got a $100,000 loan from Dr. Ali Al-Attar, who is of Iranian heritage and was a minister in the Iraqi government, according to court records. Al-Attar is a fugitive wanted by the U.S. government. The money was moved from Ali Al-Attar through accounts intended for Fairfax County real estate. Both Imran Awan and Khattak — who also put up $200,000 in cash as an investor in CIA — had realtors licenses.
It’s not clear where the dealership’s money was going, because it was sued by at least five different people on all ends of a typical car business who said they were stiffed. Cars-A didn’t pay the security deposit, rent or taxes for its building, nor did it pay wholesalers who provided cars, according to court filing in lawsuits.
Adding to the evidence of corrupt dealing, some of the consignment agreements used the same VIN for different cars.
Abid declared bankruptcy in 2010 to discharge debts racked up by the car dealership. One person shown in the bankruptcy filing as being owed money by the dealership, Rao Abbas, later showed up on the House payroll as an IT aide, even though his most recent job experience was working at McDonalds.
Democrats refused to explain why they hired him.
In 2014 members of the Awan family incorporated Discover EZ Car Buying Co, followed the next year by Regional Car Center Inc. Virginia incorporation documents list the location of the businesses as Abid’s home address.
There is no evidence that either of the dealerships ever had an physical business location, which is strange for a business that would normal depend on making sure potential customers know where to find them.
A relative of the Awans told TheDCNF that Abid sent huge quantities of iPads and iPhones to Pakistan and that Imran frequently talked about Russia. They also sent money to a Pakistani police officer. The brothers’ stepmother, Samina Gilani, said in court documents that when the family spends time in Pakistan, the brothers are escorted by a motorcade of Pakistani government agents.
They bought houses near D.C. will little money down, then rented them out. Tenants say they insisted that rent be paid in cash. Sources said the FBI generated Suspicious Activity Reports hundreds of pages long based on large cash deposits and international wires.
Members of congress who hired the Awans--all of them Democrats--have refused to acknowledge what is well-known among House staffers: that investigators found conclusive evidence that the Awans wantonly violated House regulations. As one House IT staffer put it, “If I'd been accused of a tenth of what these guys are accused of, they’d take me out in handcuffs that same day.”
Other IT staffers with direct knowledge of the Awans criminal acts say the FBI hasn’t even contacted them to schedule interviews.
Politico’s money-laundering story also found the FBI curiously uninterested in pursuing the Awans, or Democrat members who failed to report them. One prosecutor said “Right now we have 50 FBI agents not doing anything, because they know their Iran cases aren’t going anywhere.”
For those wanting to know more, check the links below:
- Court docs
- Becerra Tried To Block Awan From House Democratic Caucus Server, But Logins Continued; He Didn't Go To Cops
- Hard Drive Tied to Wasserman Schultz Is Central To Imran Awan Case
- 18 Months In, Dem IT Aides Not Charged With Hill Crimes Despite Evidence
- Used Political Influence To Have Fraud Charges Dropped In Pakistan
- Own Wife Turns, Accuses Him Of Fraud, Violent Threats
- Imran Awan 'Very Strongly' Wants To Block Review Of Hard Drive, Was Using Alias
- Lawyer Says Congressmen Wanted Invoices Falsified
- Sending Money To Police Officer In Pakistan
- Funneling 'Massive' Data Off Congressional Server, Dems Claim It's Child's Homework
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