November 17, 2016

Hillary's bad decisions are all overshadowed by her horrible decision to overthrow Libya's Qaddafi

Hilliary skated on charges that she told her top aides at State to print out sensitive above-top-secret cables, cut off the "headers" showing their high classification, and fax 'em to her private server.

She skated on Benghazi, telling her daughter (via email) the same evening that the attack was a planned terrorist operation, then brazenly lying to the public that it was because of a video no one saw.

As of today she's skated on "pay-to-play" donations her foundation, and on approving the sale of about 20% of U.S. uranium reserves to Russia.

She's skated on hiring a "body double" to appear for her after she went down at the 9/11 memorial service.

With all this, it's doubtful anyone will get around to uncovering her decisive role in the leading Obama to order U.S. forces to bomb Libya to oust its long-time ruler Qaddafi.  This is significant because the overthrow of Qaddafi led to a huge bloodbath in Libya, and the country is now a center of power for the heinous Islamic-supremacist thug group ISIS.

As Secretary of State, Clinton pressed Obama heavily to intervene in Libya.  Although Obama, Clinton and the entire government told the public that the goal was the infamous "responsibility to protect," Clinton pushed Obama to shift from protecting civilians to overthrowing Qaddafi. This was not “mission creep” — it was decided before the first bomb fell.

Although U.S. officials maintained throughout that the NATO intervention was strictly intended to protect civilians, Gates later acknowledged this was “fiction.” NATO interpreted UNSCR 1973 to be an open-ended mandate to pummel Qaddafi’s forces until “the regime has verifiably withdrawn to bases all military forces.” In other words, until the regime accepted military defeat.

At least three senior State Department officials expressed misgivings about overthrowing Qaddafi — Director of Policy Planning Anne-Marie Slaughter, Assistant Secretary of State Philip H. Gordon, and Jeremy Shapiro.  But Clinton couldn't be budged.

When the last NATO air strike of the war hit the dictator’s personal convoy as he attempted to flee his encircled hometown for exile abroad in October, leading to his capture and ad hoc execution, Clinton was caught on video exclaiming giddily, “We came, we saw, he died!”  She was absolutely gleeful.

Even after Qaddafi's murder, Libyan secularists--i.e. not ISIS--might still have won the country if not for a third fateful American mistake. With Qaddafi’s forces holding their ground despite weeks of NATO airstrikes, Washington approved and facilitated a massive Qatari arms lift that largely bypassed the secular National Transitional Council (NTC) in favor of radical Islamists.

It's still not clear who made this decision, but it’s clear that Clinton was an early advocate of secretly funneling arms into Libya, and she personally oversaw communications with the Qataris throughout.

Owing to the combined impact of Secretary Clinton’s three errors in judgment, Libya today is a central logistical and operational hub for ISIS and other violent Islamist groups across North Africa and the Middle East.

Nevertheless, she continues to strenuously deny all responsibility for starting the war to oust Qaddafi. “The decision was the president’s. Did I do the due diligence? Did I talk to everybody I could talk to? Did I visit every capitol and then report back to the president?” she said on the campaign trail last April. “Yes, I did. That’s what a secretary of state does. But at the end of the day, those are the decisions that are made by the president.”


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