July 09, 2011

Over half of Americans paid no income tax last year

I've noted here several times that 40 percent of Americans pay no federal income tax. That figure was from the IRS, and it suggests we're in bad trouble.

Reason is, of course, that people who don't pay taxes don't care what the tax rate is. So they'll demonstrate and threaten to get more and more "freebies"--government handouts paid for by you and me.

A minute ago that figure was updated, by Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas). The latest figure ...brace yourself...is that over half of all Americans don't pay any federal income tax.

That's right, just over half--51 percent, to be exact. And just so we're clear, these are people who don't make enough to have to file. Better yet, over half of these zero-liability folks actually get a net income from the tax system, via certain welfare-like payments such as the Earned Income Credit.

Hmmm...I wonder which party the overwhelming majority of these zero-tax citizens support?

This explains a *lot* about many of the seemingly stupid choices voters make. And it also suggests that people who think Obama can't win in 2012 may want to think again.

Remember, 51 percent of the population wants MORE of our current policies. That's a huge head-start for any candidate.


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