July 04, 2011

Reality not cooperating with Leftist theories

When a scientist puts his reputation behind a theory, uses it to make a prediction, and then the result doesn't happen as predicted, the sputtering and excuses are amusing to watch.

Same with Leftists. It's fun watching leftist nominal-economist Paul Krugman tell us how the Reagan recovery had nothing to do with Reagan's policies, but that now, with the LightBringer--that would be Obama--at the helm, we can count on a "Recovery Summer."

Because, ya know, Obama and his Democrat congress crafted some absolutely fabulous policies back when they controlled both houses, and thus could pass any laws they wanted. I mean, we're talking Nobel-level policies here-- stuff that Europeans would love.

In fact, I heard the Nobel committee wants to give the Nobel prize for economics to Obama for the sheer brilliance of his economic policies. After all, they gave him the peace prize before he'd been in office a month--and even before he started that little, uh, "kinetic action" non-war in Libya, so....well, you know, it's only fair.

So, here we are a third of the way into summer, and are things recovering where you live? Employment rising? New businesses opening? No? Why, that's...that's...that's... unbelievable! It's absolutely...uh... unexpected, to use a phrase we're beginning to see virtually every day in the Lying Media.

I mean, Duh Won's policies are so...so...so right, so full of social justice and unicorns and stuff that they just have to work. It simply wouldn't be fair for such a fabulous speaker and fundraiser and campaigner to have his wonderful policies not work!

So now White House spinners are whispering that, well, their policies would have worked by now, except that the economy they inherited from the eeevil Boosh was in a lot worse shape than anyone knew, so...y'know....

Problem is, Paul Krugman is on record saying that the worse a recession, the stronger the economy should bounce back. So if the economy was even worse than everyone thought, we should be seeing a rip-roaring recovery right about...about...about...any day now.

After all, with $787 Billion in borrowed money spent on "shovel-ready projects" Team Obama has created...oh, what is it, 12 million new jobs now? So unemployment has now dropped to 1.2 percent and the economy is growing at 6% per year. Or something like that.

At least that's the trend of stories in the Lying Media. And if you don't believe them, who can you believe?


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