July 04, 2011

"We warned you..."

Way back at the end of the first year of Obozo's reign, when unemployment was at 7 percent, the geniuses in his administration warned us that unless the Democrat-controlled congress passed the $787 Billion dollar "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009" (commonly termed the "stimulus" bill), unemployment would rocket to--well, just truly scary high numbers.

But you stupid wingnuts didn't listen, did you? You obstructed and blocked and kvetched and refused to reach out to those reasonable, loving, enlightened Dems across the aisle. 'Cause that's all the "party of NO" knows how to do! And look what happened! Unemployment soared to 9.2 percent! And that's just the official, admitted rate, after removing folks who've exhausted their unemployment benefits.

So the next time Democrat/Progressive luminaries like Timmy Geithner or Paul Krugman tell you to support something, you better listen! And then get with the program and...

Just kidding, of course. The Dems passed it--without a single GOP vote in the House and only 3 in the senate. Most of the money seems to have dissipated on things like $2 billion for Section 8 housing , another $1.5 billion for a different rental assistance, $3 billion to the National Science Foundation, $2 billion to the Department of Energy, $1 billion to NASA and similar.

Hard to imagine how a useful percentage of those funds added jobs, but who knows?

Part of the money was given to cities, which used it to pay salaries of current workers and officials. And now the Obamites are spinning what a wondrous thing it was, touting that it "created or saved" gazillions of jobs.

"Created or saved." Now there's a phrase for the ages. Hard enough to dispute gummint figures for jobs "created", and absolutely impossible for "saved." Thus a perfect political slogan, and I suspect it will eventually be as famous as Slick Willy's "it all depends on what the meaning of is is." Point is, impossible to verify.

Anyway, it's all good. Oh, except that unemployment--the official figure, not the real one--is still 9 percent.

Wait, wasn't the whole point of the "stimulus" to create jobs?


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