August 05, 2010

The ant and the grasshopper, updated

(Apologies to Aesop.)

Once there was an ant. He was very industrious and worked hard all summer to put food on the table and make his house payment on time.

One day while the ant was struggling to drag a seed into the ant-hill he saw a grasshopper chillin' with a margarita by a puddle of water.

"Hey Ant," said the grasshopper, "what's the point of working so hard on a pleasant summer day? Why don't you stop working so hard and join me for a margarita?"

The ant thought for a moment. He certainly *was* tired from all his labor, and the idea of stopping, relaxing by the water and drinking margaritas sounded very good. But he replied, "Thanks, but I have to keep gathering food so my family will have enough for the winter."

The ant thought for another moment, then asked the grasshopper, "Shouldn't you be working too, to put some food away for the winter? When it gets cold, nothing grows. How will you survive if you don't have food? How will you be able to make the payments on that big house you just bought?"

The grasshopper smiled. "I have friends in the government," he said. "They said if I voted for them, they would take care of me."

The ant was puzzled by this but didn't know what else to say, so went back to his work.

When winter came, the ant and his family were warm and cozy, while the grasshopper was hungry and cold. But then some guys in jackboots and carrying shotguns came and took almost all the ant's food and gave it to the grasshopper. They also took most of the ant's money and used it to make the grasshopper's house payments and fill his car with gas.

"I don't understand!," wailed the ant. "This isn't right! I worked hard to gather food for my family and to make my house payment and pay my bills, and you jackbooted thugs come in here and TAKE almost everything I own and give it to a lazy insect who loafed all summer while the rest of us were working our asses off! What kind of lunatic system IS this?"

The thugs laughed. "You had a chance to vote for us," they said. "But you didn't. So now how can you complain when we take your stuff and give it to our loyal supporter there?"

The ant was baffled. "That makes no sense at all," he said.

"We don't have to make sense," said the thugs. "We're progressive Democrats."

(h/t Phinn at Belmont)

Oh, I see that Joeseph Shattan at the Spectator did this a bit differently back in March. Oh well...


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