August 05, 2010

"Let them eat cake!"

By a commenter at Belmont:

What's happening in the U.S. today is the deliberate, systematic destruction of the rule of law, which has always provided the foundation of our society. Our society depends on a particular social contract. The political class has broken that contract.

The ruling class has been revoking the rights of the tax-paying peasantry as fast as they can cram new laws through the corrupt, Democrat-controlled congress. When they do that, the peasants begin to think the rules against shooting members of the ruling class can be dismissed just as casually.

Unfortunately the current members of the political class are too disconnected from reality to understand this. Which is how revolutions are born.

Whether the revolution will come peacefully by law or by bloodshed remains to be seen, but one is coming.

Couldn't have said it better.

As an example of the "Let them eat cake!" mindset, consider White House spokesman Robert Gibbs' reply when a reporter asked what he thought the significance of Missouri's 3-to-1 rejection of government-run medical care was:



Oh, and for those who didn't get much European history in school (which is pretty much any American under 40 or so educated in the public schools), the line "Let them eat cake!" is attributed to the spoiled, hopelessly clueless wife of a French king when she was asked what the impoverished "little people" should do to stay alive. This was at a time when the king and his cronies spent enormous tax revenues on gold and jewels and fine furs.

Although it sounds like Marie Antoinette was inviting the poor to a party, her comment was actually the equivalent of "Why in the world should I care?" Or perhaps, "Fuck 'em."

Sorta like "We won. You lost. Deal with it."


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