February 03, 2025

Ten minutes of Democrats ABSOLUTELY ASSURING YOU Trump would never be president!

My conservative friends will love this clip.  My Democrat/lib friends, maybe not so much. 

Listen to 40 or so dumbshits that the Mainstream Media and gruberment and Hollyweird fawn and slobber over as reeeeally smaht experts! as they laugh that Trump couldn't possibly win in 2016.  See, the Dem nominee was the brilliant, totally ego-ruled Hilliary Clinton, widely called "the world's smartest woman"!

In 2024 the same "experts" gave you the same assurance:  Trump could NEVER win another term.

Watch the smug, smirking assurance with which they deliver their "expert" prediction.  Now think back to how Fauci looked when he absolutely assured you duh Chyna virus could not possibly have been made lethal to humans in a Chinese lab in Wuhan

These are the same people who have been absolutely assuring you that a) the southern border is, like, TOTALLY secure!  That the most dire threat we face is Global Worming!  Or maybe "domestic white violent extremists."  That you don't need oil or gasoline, or natural gas, cuz doze solar thingies are just perfect!  That the lockdowns ordered by Democrats did NOT harm your kids.  That the "vaccine" was, like, "totally safe and effective"!

Note the way they delivered those lies.  Mark it well, because you're about to see another wave of this bullshit.

KNOW how to recognize it, because if you can, you can un-live the son of a bitch before he or she un-lives you and yours.   

The Democrats have been calling Trump Hitler, and a dictator, for years.  You think they're just being theatrical, using hyperbole.  Nope, they're absolutely serious.  They're screaming bloody murder about the shutdown (so far) of the utterly corrupt USAID--a Democrat slush-fund that's been funding $40 billion of taxpayer funds per year to Democrat cronies. 

The Dems are furious because Trump has shut down their pipeline into your billfold.  They're gonna get even by trying to steal the midterms and then use their majorities to try to impeach him AGAIN.


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