Goofy California state senator introduces a bill to sue *oil companies* for the LA fires!
Obama's White House chief of staff once infamously bleated "Never let a good crisis go to waste."
And following that *classic* Democrat ploy, a Democrat state senator in Cali has drafted and introduced a bill that would allow homeowners, insurance companies and the state government's faux "insurance" pool to sue oil and gas producers for damages from the recent massive fires in Los Angeles.
Last I'd heard, "the experts" weren't sure what started the fires. Some say it was homeless up in the mountains. This speculation quickly died after Democrats warn that the homeless are a specially-protected class, so anyone who says anything bad about 'em can be sued for millions.
In any case, apparently lots of Americans missed the newz that the L.A. fires were caused by oil companies.
That's because in this case the Democrat who introduced this monstrous bill says the companies "caused" the fires by...wait for it..."lying to Americans, telling 'em that CO2 wasn't causing global warming when they've known for years that it is."
Now if you've just arrived on the planet, or are under 30, this doesn't ring any alarm bells for ya. See, the Democrats have a huge majority in the state legislature, meaning if they want something, they always get it. And they know voting to punish oil companies will win 'em votes.
And they're dumb enough to not realize the eventual consequences if their goofy bill passes and the ghastly Newsom signs it into law.
Democrats claim not to know that when a company is forced to pay a legal award, it doesn't just absorb the cost, but passes it on to the consumer. If you're not clear on that, try taking basic econ.
If the bill becomes law, dozens of law firms will instantly start scrambling to sign up everyone whose home was burned as plaintiffs in the biggest class-action lawsuit in history, with the potential for $50 billion in actual damages and billions in punitive damages.
The payday for all the lawyers involved would be on the order of $20 billion, and the lawsuit would take 15 years to reach a final award. During and after that time, oil companies would have to divert money that would have been used for exploration to instead pay attorneys.
That reduces future oil production--meaning, inevitably, that the price of anything involved with oil and gas will rise to cover all legal fees and damage awards--which will be paid by all consumers across the country.
This disaster was introduced by the ghastly socialist Scott Weiner--a pro-tranny, pro-pedophile homosexual. He's...warped, and revels in it. Like former San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin, or George Gascon, he seems bent on destruction. That's his thing, apparently.
So everything hinges on whether there are enough intelligent Democrats in the Cali legislature to vote no on this disaster. And frankly I don't think there are. And if it passes, Newsom knows he'll get millions of votes by signing it into law.
On the other hand, the court case could offer companies--which the Media will instantly sneer are "climate deniers"--the chance to roll out all the evidence that a) in the past the atmosphere has had 20 times more CO2 than today, yet the Erf didn't get noticeably hotter; b) ice cores going back 800,000 years show CO2 and temperature are correlated--but temp leads CO2 by a couple of hundred years, instead of the other way round.
Obviously if CO2 changes lag temperature change instead of leading it, CO2 can't be causing temperature change, eh?
Should be interesting.
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