Socialist Scottish government bans people from posting pro-life signs in their windows
Laws passed by honest legislators are written in simple, clear, plain language. Easy to understand.
By contrast, laws passed by corrupt lawmakers are deliberately loaded with off-document references that make it really hard for citizens to assess the true effect of the thing.
That's intentional, and is routinely done by certain politicians and socialists, because they don't want ordinary citizens to be able to look at just the law itself and immediately see something totally outrageous. They're written so you can't see the true effect without three lawyers and a stack of other laws the new one references.
Thus we have an outrageous piece of shit passed by the Scottish parliament last June (2024), cunningly called "buffer zone legislation," or "safe access." This POS spends hundreds of words describing how they define boundaries of at least 200 meters around a "facility," within which no citizen is allowed to express opposition to abortion. But then the new law goes on to make it a crime to display anything or say anything that can be seen or heard by anyone inside the zone, or going to or from it.
That's the part JD Vance referred to in his Munich speech...and feminists and their soyboy allies are going crazy with anger.
Seems the pols of Scotland who passed the new law sent letters to homeowners around the "buffer zones" warning 'em about the effect of the new law. Vance said these letters threatened citizens with criminal prosecution under the new law for praying in their own homes, outside the damn zone.
The feminists and soyboys said that was utterly false. But in searching for the actual text of the letter from the gruberment I found something curious: If you search for "letter to Scottish citizens about buffer zones" you find hundreds of articles with obvious non-denials like this:
The Scottish Government did send letters to the residents within the buffer zones but, "Back Off Scotland" wrote: 'It has been mischaracterised and used maliciously.' "
Ahh, y'say the letter has been "mischaracterized"? Okay, so what did the letter to residents actually say?
Not one article by the Lying Mainstream Media printed the actual letter. Just the weasel-worded non-denials from abortion proponents.
That got me curious, so I read their damn law. It's an Orwellian piece of shit--absolutely full of "gotcha" provisions.
"Back Off Scotland" highlighted a part of that letter which read:
"The offences apply in public places with the Safe Access Zones. However, activists in a private place (such as a house) within the... boundary of a zone could be an offence if they can be seen or heard within the zone and are done intentionally."
[I think they meant to say "could be charged with an offence if..." instead of "could be an offence," but same effect.]
Back Off Scotland sneered "You won't be arrested just for praying in your home. (But) You might be if you use your house or garden to harass women walking by about abortion."
A leader of "Back Off Scotland" quickly reassured citizens, saying "There needed to be some provision for private dwellings within buffer zones. None of us believes that a private conversation in your own house should be covered."
Totally reassuring, eh? Except that's not what the damn law says. In their insane zeal to ensure that no one utters a critical word about abortion, the law would make it a crime for a homeowner in the zone to display a sign in his window saying something as innocuous as "Are you sure?" Or "Think twice."
The leader of "Back Off Scotland" added:
"Our concern was around the posting of posters in windows, with distressing images. It was around people in gardens, handing leaflets out over a garden wall, where women were having to walk past them.
"So [we don't think the law covers] private conversations within a house or between houses, but it does cover anything aimed at women who are [walking by]. And that really balanced the rights to ensure that people could do what they want in their home but they can't inflict it on women in the buffer zone."
"You can do what you want in your own home BUT..." The contradiction is obvious except to communists and extremists, for whom there are no contradictions.
Freedom is slavery, war is peace and ignorance is strength, right?
Again, not one of the dozens of stories in the Scottish and UK press printed the actual letter the ruling bureaucrats sent to residents in and near the "buffer zones." That's not an accident.
But you can find the letter on the govt website. It threatens that anyone violating the new law could be fined up to 10,000 pounds ($11,500 or so) under "summary procedure," and an unlimited amount under "solemn procedure."
That's why not ONE of the articles by the Lying Mainstream Media quoted the letter the ghastly socialist government sent to residents.
Now, I totally understand the goal of the pro-abortion Scottish government to prevent pro-lifers from making women think twice about a scheduled abortion. Really, I get it. And I get their passing an Orwellian law to prevent residents from posting signs in their windows. But when you're caught doing something that Orwellian, it speaks volumes that the pro-abortion faction lies about doing it.
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