February 15, 2025

Cunning corruptocrats in NY state defend explicit depictions of gay sex in 3rd-grade libraries

Here's the New York Department of Education, by DECREE, prohibiting parents from citing obscenity as a reason to remove any books from school libraries, or for banning classroom discussions about some topics parents find inappropriate for young children.

Let me run that by you again, cuz some of you didn't get it yet: For the past dozen years or more, parents have been objecting to books in elementary schools that contain illustrations EXPLICITLY depicting homosexual acts, or explicitly describing those acts.  The descriptions are so sexually explicit that dozens of school boards order parents not to read those passages in the board meeting, knowing that most parents don't know anything about these books, and that reading the passages will make the school boards look like they're pushing exactly the LGBTQ agenda that they're pushing.

So the boards forbid parents from reading the passages aloud.  Ironic, eh?  Cuz duh boards' entire argument is dat "We not gon' allow you to censor books WE demand your children be able to read," and yet the board is ORDERING ADULTS not to read those very passages the board demands your children be allowed to read.  

Starting to see the glaring contradiction yet?   

Turns out this tactic isn't limited to a few rogue school boards.  Instead it's a DECREE from the New York State Department of Education.  Here ya go.  (LEA means "local education associations"):

Now I can absolutely guarantee that the bullshit "Dignity Act" does NOT say "Schools must purchase and display books depicting and describing explicit homosexual acts in elementary schools," cuz even state legislators aren't THAT stupid.  Instead the Dept of Ed order above says "By way of example, LEA's might run afoul of the Dignity Act by..." citing obscenity, lewdness or inappropriateness 

So the state DoEd guidance--shown above--does NOT say that state LAW says "educational associations" (school boards, PTAs) must allow obscene books into elementary-school libraries, cuz the law does NOT say that.  Instead the state bluffs: "By way of example, allowing a challenge on grounds of obscenity (etc) might run afoul of..."

Assuming there's a single conservative on a school board (unlikely), that state directive is enough to cow critics into shutting up.  But the hoot is, it's a total bluff!  That provision is NOT in the law, and the cunning rat-bastards at the state Dept of Ed know that very well.  The directive above was VERY carefully worded to imply something that's not in the law.

If you think that's an accident I've got some oceanfront property in Nebraska I'd love to sell ya.

Here's the final hoot: "Normal" Americans might think that since Trump has issued EO's ending the absurdity of 82 "genders," the tranny and gay mafias will slowly vanish.  Wrong.  Reason is that the people who wanna destroy the U.S. as a world power knew pushing sex-change on kids was a winning tactic (for them, anyway).  Many kids struggle with finding their place in life, and are attracted to LGBTQ groups.

Democrat: "There's not a thing wrong with that!"

By itself probably not, but the problem is that "wokie" Dem politicians quickly ORDER that Medicare and Medicaid give "free" (taxpayer-paid) sex change operations to over-65's and low-income people.  Insane Dem-ruled states like California give "free" (taxpayer-paid) sex change surgery to fucking prison inmates, and even illegal aliens in prison.  It's insane.

The pols ordered that the military allow trannies to enlist...and a few months later leftist judges ordered the armed forces to pay for THEIR sex-change surgeries.  Cuz hey, "gender dysphoria beez a medical condition, an' duh armed forces gots to cover all medical conditions of members!"

No one has tried to find the total cost of this woke bullshit, but I suspect it's easily over a billion a year. 

Democrat: "Compared to duh entire federal budget dat is such a tiny amount dat yew can't justify changing the policies!  Besides, trans women ARE real women!  Really!"

Wow, where have we heard that before, eh?  And once again, the Democrat/DeepState prevents any policy changes that would cut waste. 

And say, here's something from duh gruberment: Inappropriate content is a security risk to kids?  Maybe the "cybersecurity" wonks should have a talk with NY state, eh?


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