DOGE has found a MINIMUM of $287 BILLION per year in fraudulent SS payments
The corrupt Mainstream Media will never show you the table below (and yes, of course there's a reason).
The table shows the number of people in every age range who are getting Social Security checks--regardless of whether the people really exist, or are entitled to the payments.
As you see, the SS administration officially shows almost 16 million people over 110 years old getting SS checks every month. This is...curious, since the Net says only "60 to 70" Americans are over 110.
For the math-impaired, "60 to 70" is a HUGE distance from the alleged 16 million over 110 years old shown as receiving SS checks. The total paid out each year to "people" over 120 years old is almost $261 billion. Per year. And if we add all but 70 of those listed as over 110, that's another $76 BILLION per year. Every year. So we're looking at obvious fraud of about $287 BILLION per year. Every year.
Now: the data in this table was found by DOGE examiners, from the records of the Treasury Department. So Treasury has obviously had this data all along. And yet the corrupt Janet Yellen did nothing to stop the OBVIOUS fraud. Hmmm... Kinda makes ya wonder how much of these billions were going to Democrat accounts.
Further, this fraud doesn't include dead people under 110 who are still getting checks, nor people who are alive and getting checks they shouldn't be getting. Those amounts have been estimated to be at least another $100 billion.
Now you'd THINK that the Dems and Mainstream Media would be as eager as Trump supporters to reduce the waste and fraud. But not only are they NOT telling you about the actual findings, every article by the Lying Media screams about how DOGE is "stealing your personal data" and doesn't have the authority to audit any government agency, and on and on.
Why are all Media outlets trying to discredit the people who've found the fraud?
Easy: The Media has always supported the Democrat party, so screaming about DOGE peels a million votes away from Trump and the GOP. The Dems' strategy is to flip just two House seats, after which no reform laws will be possible, and every Trump initiative will be blocked.
The amounts shown per month and per year are based on taking the total payout divided by total recipients, to get $1,750 per month, so could be off a percent or two, but not much.
SO...see if the Lying Mainstream Media ever shows anything remotely like this table. Ain't gonna happen, cuz that would pull more furious American voters into the conservative camp.
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