February 12, 2025

Democrat-fellating website runs a story admitting the official economy numbers were wrong

A few of the leftist, Democrat-fellating websites and magazines are starting to try to recover some semblance of credibility--and it's a hoot!  Witness this story from Politico, titled 

"Voters were right about the economy. The data was wrong."

Subhead: "Here’s why unemployment is higher, wages are lower and growth less robust than government statistics suggest." 

Wow!  Liberals and Dems don't wanna hear "We told ya so," but we did.  Here's the top paragraph:

Many in Washington bristled at the public’s failure to register how strong the economy really was. They charged that right-wing echo chambers were conning voters into believing entirely preposterous narratives about America’s decline.

The artful wording of that is typical of the way the article is carefully written, to avoid blaming Democrats: "The public's failure to register how strong the economy really was"?  No, not at all: as the author goes on to show, despite the official bullshit numbers--eagerly parroted by the Dem-fellating Media--the bribem economy was NOT rosy, and voters knew it.

Amusingly, exactly the same deal as the Media knowing bribem was senile and incompetent, but carefully NOT reporting that to voters.  Cuz...um...uhhh...reasons.

The author notes that while "official" unemployment just before the November election was around 4.2%, if you strip out the cunningly crafted bullshit criteria for calculating the "official" rate, the effective rate of folks who can't find a job paying above the poverty level was over 23%.

Driving into the office each day in DC I noted a homeless encampment outside the Federal Reserve itself.  Then I began to realize that Democrats were much more inclined to believe the "official" economic indicators, while Republicans were more inclined to believe what they were seeing with their own eyes.

Yep.  The author reassures readers that the employees of the agencies that produce the monthly statistics are talented and well-intentioned, and that the problem is that the "filters" the rules require 'em to use are "flawed," in a way that makes things look way better than they really are.  Yep.

Same for the rate of inflation: govt computers track the prices of a whopping 80,000 products and services to compute the "consumer price index," so naturally everyone thinks that's got to be a reliable stat.  Problem is that that index includes thousands of items only bought by the wealthy, and those items don't increase much.  By contrast, groceries, utilities, rent, gasoline and insurance premiums go up MUCH faster, so they affect lower-income people far more.

If you just look at the increases of those items, the cost of living for lower-income Americans has gone up 35% faster than the "official" CPI. 

A lot of us recognized this at the time.  The Media bleated that duh economy ("bidenomics") was BOOMING, and that inflation had been beaten back to near zero.  It was all horseshit, intended to help the Dems win the November election.  And to some extent it actually worked: The Dems actually picked up seats in the House!

So the cunning scheme (lying about how duh economy wuz booming) worked, just not enough to win the White House or the senate.  And heaven knows, if the Dems had had even a moderately competent candidate instead of an incompetent moron (either bribem or Cackles), they likely would have won the presidency.

What does this tell ya?

That Americans--like most people everywhere--believe whatever gummint and duh Media tell 'em, and don't bother to question whatever the Narrative is.  So the Media will slobber and fawn over duh faaaabulous Newsom, and will trash Trump in every possible way, and 2028 will be decided by a margin of one percent.

No matter how much you may hate the Mainstream Media, it isn't enough.

Source: Politico


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