February 04, 2025

Groomers and trans mafia go nuts (well, nuttier) after Trump orders fed funding stopped


Democrat "leaders" and "wokie" parents: "Hahaha!  Dis is pure right-wing paranoia!  We iz duh Party of Science, so we NEVAH pressure kids to 'transition.'  In fact we virtuously refuse to let kids under 15 sign up for puberty blockers, hormone treatments or double-mastectomies until they've been interviewed for at least ten minutes by one of our highly-qualified psychologists!"

Conservative: "So you admit starting kids as young as 15 on puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and performing sex-change surgeries?"

Democrats: "Certainly, because it's a well-known principle of Science that every child, no matter how young, always knows what's best for xe/xir!  They know what's right for them, from birth!"

Conservative: "Ahh, so that's why you give 'em drivers' licenses at 13?  Why you let 15-year-olds drink alcohol?"

Democrats: "We nevah sed dat!  Dat jus' silly!  But when it comes to gender, we elites know kids always know, from birth."

Conservative: "What about kids who 'transition' and then at 20 regret it and want to 'de-transition'?

Democrats: "We aren't aware of a documented case of this evah happening."

Conservative: "Really?  Seriously?  So you think all the published first-person accounts are hoaxes?"

Democrats: "Well we're not aware of any so-called 'de-transitioners' but the conservative media lies constantly, so yes, they'd be hoaxes by the media."


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