Dem-ruled state defies Trump's EO, says trannies will continue to compete against girls
Two days after Trump issued an executive order that males could only compete against males in school sports, the Democrats who rule Minnesota decided they weren't gonna obey the EO. make this all legal-sounding (instead of insurrection-y), the commission dat run duh school sports there--duh Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) said their state laws override federal orders, which allow 'em to defy Trump's executive order.
And here's the clueless, ironic quote:
"We will continue to abide by the anti-discrimination laws in the state, which doesn't allow discrimination based on gender identity."
"See, citizen, allowing heavier, faster, stronger males to compete against smaller, slower, weaker girls is NOT discrimination! And all Democrats intuitively understand this, because we are sophisticated, able to grasp "nuance." Not like you dumb deplorables!"
The controlling legal authority in this case is a clause of the U.S. Constitution is called the "supremacy clause," which says if there's a conflict between state and federal laws, federal shall prevail.
Now: an EO is not a law, but they've been held by the courts to have the force of law. You'll notice the statement by the legal brain-trusts at the MSHSL ignored this question entirely for one of two reasons: either they didn't know about this clause and didn't bother to ask their in-house counsel, OR because they wanna rally all the state's voters behind 'em, so didn't wanna tip 'em off that this theory was a loser.
Now, with that said: the Dems will find a RINO ally to sue to enforce the EO, because that case will go to a state judge, who will rule for the state and will issue an injunction ordering schools to continue allowing trannies to compete against girls. In other words, the RINO lawsuit will be intended to lose. This will generate massive gloating and headlines in every Dem-ruled state: "DEMS DEFEAT TRUMP!"
The DOJ will appeal, and six months later the federal appeals court will reverse. This will get zero media coverage, because the Media wants Dems to relish the alleged victory, since it energizes their base: more money, more highly-motivated rioters, demonstrators and voters.
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