January 03, 2025

Trump has publically supported Mike Johnson for Speaker. I think he'll regret it

There's an ancient saying that everyone should know: It's "By their fruits you shall know them."

Today's equivalent would be "Pay no attention to what lying politicians and grifters SAY, but instead watch what they DO."  That's because their actions show you their true allegiances.

It's how we know Democrat politicians ("leaders") hate the America you were raised in, because they've ORDERED open borders, and that thugs and brazen daylight smash-and-grab robbers, caught on clear surveillance cams, be released without having to post bail, so they can kill and terrorize for another year before their case comes to trial--if indeed the thugs even show up.

With that said:  The Speaker of the House for the outgoing congress was Mike Johnson, a nominal Republican.  My prediction is that he's a RINO...a plant.  That's based on the piece of shit "continuing resolution" bill he personally approved and brought to the House floor for a vote.

Johnson's hand-crafted, 118-page CR gave the Democrats absolutely everything they wanted--including a provision allowing congress to ignore subpoenas!--without extracting a single meaningful concession in return.  In other words, Johnson gave away the store--knowingly, deliberately.  Why?

When this was discovered--just two days before the scheduled vote--the public outcry was SO huge that House Republicans (those who wanted to retain their jobs in the mid-term election) voted it down.

The next CR bill was something like 18 pages, and it passed.  But curiously, it ordered the spending of exactly the same amount as the first POS bill.  The only difference was that it didn't explicitly state what those amounts would be spent ON--because that will eventually be decided under the table, through a process called "reconciliation" a.k.a. a "conference committee."  Those conferences are secret, with no record of who suggests what language.  AND the process can introduce terms and policies that were NOT in either of the bills passed by each chamber.

Naturally this version sailed thru, and in fact had more support from Democrat members of the House.  That should tell you everything you need to know:  The Democrats loved this because they knew they had the power to spend the hundred-billion or so exactly the way they wanted.  If they hadn't they wouldn't have voted for it, eh?

SO...Johnson is a plant.  A RINO.  A snake.  Accordingly, Dems will quietly support him.

Problem is, Trump is openly supporting him as the next Speaker.  This is worrisome because SURELY Trump knows Johnson gave everything to the Democrats with the first CR--the one he drafted and pushed.  I'd love to think Trump actually has a great strategy here that I just don't see, but frankly Trumps first-term nominees and advisor don't reassure me:  Bill Barr was a disaster.  Jeff Sessions was affable but spineless--PLUS Trump's appointment of then-senator Sessions cost the GOP a senate seat that we didn't recover.  Not losing that seat would have prevented dozens of ties after biden/harris were installed--which allowed VP harris to cast the tie-breaking vote for the Democrats!

Christopher Wray, head of the fibbies, terrible choice.  List goes on.  So I think Trump is gonna regret supporting Johnson--and will never know how badly Johnson will sabotage Trump's goals.  Reason is a thing called a "conference committee", a.k.a. "reconciliation process."

If you don't know what that means or what it does, join the club:  The handful of people who run congress don't want you to know.  Here's why:  When the House and senate pass two different versions of a bill, obviously it can't advance to the president, so each chamber appoints members of a "conference committee."  In 1995-1997 this happened 67 times.

While the rules seem to make the appointment of members democratic, even corrupt Wikipedia coyly admits that "the leadership exercises authority."  So in practice the senate majority leader and the Speaker of the House appoint the members--sometimes as few as three.  So the potential for grift is off the charts.  The conferees meet in total secrecy to re-write the final version of the bill.

The shocker here is..."total secrecy."  No record is made of any of the negotiations.  Worse yet, you'd think that the "conferees" wouldn't be allowed to put terms into the final bill that weren't in either of the versions passed by the two chambers.  But they can.  There are literally no limits to what the "conferees" can ram thru.  And if the bill is one of the dozens of "must-pass" pieces of shit every year, the conferees can wait til the last minute and then present their members with no alternative. 

Starting to get it yet?

So if the Speaker is a RINO, and the Dems have a majority in the senate (which was true until last November 5th) he can ensure that the Dems get everything they want.


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