Great news: dozens of recent research papers show CO2 is NOT causing warming!
Just saw the second-best news of the year (the best news being Trump defeating Cackles). You need to hear it.
Every school kid in America has had it pounded into 'em that carbon dioxide is killing duh Erf, by fatally warming it. If you're old enough you may remember the Left and the Media used to call this surely deadly effect "Globull Worming," since CO2 was known to be a heat-trapping gas.
But then after four record-cold winters in a row in the U.S, Americans were starting to smell bullshit, so the Left renamed the deadly problem to "Climate change."
It was brilliant! Because it meant that whether the temperature in a given spot got warmer or colder, it was "climate change" and thus caused by CO2. See?
So let's take a peek at the "science" behind the Warmiez totally scary theory.
In 1958 scientists set up a device on top of a mountain in Hawaii to measure the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere.
The device is near the top of Mauna Loa, at 11,135 feet above sea level, far away from CO2 emission sources, to get the most accurate readings possible. Faaabulous!
And the device has now taken continuous measurements at this same spot for 66 years--a marvelous record. Faaabulous!
The first reading--on March 29, 1958-- found CO2 was 313 parts per million (ppm). And every year after that, it went up. Take a look:
Now, the notion that CO2 was rising due to human burning of fuel was first proposed way back in 1938 when an engineer named Guy Callendar compared datasets of atmospheric CO2 from Kew between 1898 and 1901 (average of 274 ppm), and from the eastern United States 35 years later (1936–1938, average of 310 ppm) and concluded that the increase in CO2 was due to humans burning carbon fuels.
"I mean, what else could it possibly be, right? But few people paid attention back then, because the grifters didn't realize there were billions of dollars to be made, economies to control and rulers to install if they played their cards right.
Now: scientists are supposed to be unbiased when it comes to science, eh? But read what the morons at the American Chemical Society wrote about the Mauna Loa CO2 record::
The precision, accuracy and continuity of this research over decades provided one of the most important scientific links between fossil fuel combustion and global climate change due to the greenhouse effect.
For each succeeding year of the record, the average annual CO2 level rose. A clear picture of how fossil fuel emissions, the greenhouse effect and climate change are connected began to come into focus.
Ohh yes. VERY clear. Well, at least if you already knew what you wanted to show. And they did.
Now, class, can anyone tell us the screamingly amateurish, newbie error these so-called "scientists" made?
Sure: they saw CO2 rising almost linearly. And they knew from experiment that CO2 helped trap heat in the atomosphere; without it the planet would be far colder.
So around 1980, when they began to claim global temperatures were slowly rising--almost linearly, at least before they stopped rising 20 years ago--they said "AHA! SEE?? CO2 rising jus' like duh Erf's temperature! So dis proves dat global warming is caused by the increase in atmospheric CO2!!"
Then a week later someone realized that the slightly exponential increase in CO2 exactly matched the increase in the use of carbon fuels (which the press amusing calls "fossil fuels").
"SEE???" they said. "It's SO obvious!"
But as all college grads should have been taught (but few were): "correlation does not imply...." what?
If you said "causation," congratulations.
That's all background. The leftist scientists and the Mainstream Media and gullible, pandering politicians like Al Gore immediately jumped on this CLEARLY crappy "reasoning" to DEMAND that the developed nations--and most specifically the U.S.--cut CO2 emissions back to 1980 levels. Or 1990 or whatever.
The Warmies claimed that rising CO2 would cause runaway warming, turning the planet into a hot desert. Productive farms would become deserts! Streams would dry up! Life as we know it would get it. Meanwhile other "scientists" claimed we'd get MORE rain. FLOODS! Tornadoes, hurricanes, New York flooded! You get it.
So...those of us who know science--atmospheric physics, thermodynamics, emission spectra and so on--but don't have to support the left's agenda to keep our jobs--knew there were a dozen glaringly obvious things wrong with the "CO2 is death" theory.
One of the biggies was that measurements of air trapped in deep ice cores in Antarctica going back 800,000 years showed that half a million years ago CO2 levels were 10,000 ppm, and yet life on Erf survived quite nicely, thank you.
But...but...if that was true, how could 500 ppm fatally warm the climate, eh? The Warmiez ignored that, as they do with all science-based challenges to their precious grift.
Now at last a number of scientific papers have been published showing that CO2 levels are already "maxxed out," trapping all the heat the gas can. That means further increases in CO2 isn't likely to cause further warming.
Two recent papers concluded that even a doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere would barely increase temperature.
Other work shows that rising CO2 levels are hugely stimulating to plant growth. And since the "elites" are demanding that us po' unconnected deplorables stop eating meat and eat only plants, crickets or mealworms, more plant growth--due to more CO2--will produce more food.
The Warmiez haven't figured out a way to debunk the well-known fact that plants produce more if given more CO2, so will likely ignore this altogether. It's how they control ya..
Of course none of these papers will be reported in the mainstream because the Mainstream Media is determined to support "climate change" and to end the use of carbon fuels--at least in the U.S.
Naive U.S. college-age person: "Wait...dat wrong! Duh idea of cutting emissions of duh deadly greenhouse gas CO2 is supported by duh leaders of every nation!"
Yeah, no. Communist China knows that abundant, affordable energy is the key to a booming economy, so they're not buying any of the "green energy" bullshit. While biden's EPA continues to follow Obozo's decree to force coal-fired powerplants to close, China has been opening two large coal-fired plants every WEEK for the last five years or so.
Similarly, pols in India are opening coal plants for the same reason. So for every U.S. coal-fired plant Obozo and biden order closed, China and India open about ten.
The U.N's "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change" has long claimed computer models show that doubling CO2 levels would warm the planet by between 3° and 6° C. These bleats form the basis of numerous ‘scientists say’ stories faithfully pasted by the crisis-loving, unquestioning mainstream media.
Recent papers by a group of Polish scientists led by Dr. Jan Kubicki conclude that CO2 levels above 400 ppm won't cause any further temperature rise, because at 400 ppm CO2 is already blocking all the heat radiated by the earth in the wavelength CO2 can block.
In 2022 German researcher Dieter Schildnecht concluded CO2 was thermally saturated at just 300 ppm.
All these papers (and a dozen more not noted) explain why life on Earth didn't end when CO2 levels were 10 to 15 times higher than at present. But because the Mainstream Media supports Democrats, and Dems push "net zero" and ending oil and gas, you won't hear any of this from the Media. So the grift will go on, unless Trump can somehow prevent the Deep State from funding more Warmie scams.
Short answer: Rest easy, conservatives. What we've been telling ya for a decade has now been confirmed: Any alleged warming you see isn't due to CO2. So enjoy your vacations without guilt!
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