December 26, 2024

Court hearing for illegal alien who burned sleeping woman to death on subway

Due to the travel and activity of Christmas some of you may have missed the news:  last Sunday morning a woman sleeping on a subway car in NYC was set afire by a 33-year-old illegal alien from Guatemala.

The illegal alien tossed a match on her, igniting her clothes, then sat and watched as she burned to death, all caught on surveillance video.

Sebastian Zapeta-Calil was arrested a few hours later and charged with murder.  Through a translator the accused said he doesn't remember anything.

So here's the transcript of the killer's upcoming court hearing:

Public Defender: "Your Honor, my client asks to be released without bail, since he doesn't recall anything, didn't know the victim and had no motive to harm her.  It's clear this was just an accident, and that my client does not pose a threat to the community.  And keeping him in custody could inflame the Newcomer community."

Judge: "Ms. Jayapal, what's your basis for claiming your client didn't know the victim?"

PD: "He says he didn't, Your Honor.  Also, in his birth country flicking matches at others is considered a good-will gesture.  And in any case he doesn't recall doing it."

Judge: "That seem most unlikely, Ms. Jayapal.  Where did you get that information?"

PD: "From my client, Your Honor.  And we have no reason to believe that's false, because my client has no criminal record in the U.S."

Judge: "Well he entered the U.S. illegally, twice, which would seem to be evidence of a crime..."

PD: "Technically it's only illegal if there is intent.  My client says he applied for refugee status but didn't speak English, and the Orange Hitler's Immigration Nazis wouldn't provide a translator, so he was deported without a hearing on his  application for refugee status.  And he doesn't know how he got here the second time.  He just woke up and he was in New York City."
   Finally we invoke the recent case in France in which a judge ruled that a 24-year-old 'migrant' who threw a 70-year-old woman off a third-floor balcony wasn't responsible for his actions because he'd smoked marijuana earlier that day."

Judge: "Ms. Jayapal, surely you realize that decisions by foreign courts don't set precedents for U.S. cases."

PD: "Actually that was prior to the Inflation Reduction Act of 2021.  Page 1,845 of that law says U.S. courts will defer to decisions of foreign courts on matters involving migrants.  Both the French case and this one involve migrants, so the new law applies.  And my client claims he isn't responsible for his actions because he'd been drinking and using drugs the previous evening."

Judge: "Very well, this court orders your client released without bail.  But he must promise to appear for a final hearing on this matter next July."


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