January 10, 2025

biden himself, on TV, claims the LA fires were caused by...wait for it...Global Warming

Just saw president bribem on TV claiming the fires were due to global warming.

So when conservatives say "Leftists/Dems are bleating that the fires were cause by global warming," and the Left screams "Yew jus' makin' dat up!  No one haz actually claimed duh fires were caused by...um...climate change!" you can point 'em to the outrageous bleat by preznit Vegetable-- the Vegetable-in-Chief.  The Chinese puppet.  The lying son of a bitch who absolutely promised--repeatedly--that he would NEVER pardon his son, but did.

The SOB who promised that he'd NEVER order all Americans to take the useless jab, but then three weeks later, had his corrupt Department of Labor issue an ORDER to all companies to fire anyone who refused to take the jab.  (Okay, there was a costly, time-consuming workaround for those who didn't trust the jab, but practically speaking it was an ORDER.)

Hope you love all the results, Democrats.  Your party absolutely stole the 2020 election to install the most corrupt, moronic president in our history.  The results are on you.  Hope you're happy.


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