As the LA fires slow their advance, all the Dem officials frantically start trying to dodge blame
Ahh, I love watching the inevitable scramble by officials to avoid blame when11,000 homes--60 square miles--burn to the ground due"someone else's fault."
If you have kids and are struggling to raise 'em and keep food on your family's table, you don't have time to delve into the utter shit-show that's resulted in 11,000 home being destroyed. Don't worry, that's my job.
Start here: Decades ago "officials" declared that they needed a LOT more water storage above the Pacific Palisades area. So they finally built 3 million-gallon tanks. Wasn't enough, so they built a huge 117-million-gallon reservoir, giving 'em 40 times more high-elevation water than before.
Then a few years after it was built--2011-- the wokies at the DPW decided to spend another $100 million of your tax dollars to re-surface the road around the thing to make the road's color "blend in with the landscape."
Seriously, I've read the "proposal."
That was in 2011. Then 12 years later the cover over the thing developed a tear, and DPW claims federal EPA "rules" forced 'em to fix it, cuz duh reservoir contained *treated water* for human use, an' if duh cover wudn't fixed birds could crap on it an' it'd get in duh water supply. Sure.
But here's the thing: the three million-gallon steel tanks had enough water to supply residents' consumption needs. So the smart thing to do would have been to leave the cover alone and make the huge reservoir feed only fire hydrants--so the EPA rules wouldn't apply.
But of course that would have caused some honest media (yeah, I know) to ask pointed questions of the wokies at the DPW--which those corruptocrats absolutely did NOT want. Plus no bureaucrat thinks outside the box anyway.
SOooo...the huge reservoir has been empty since February of 2024. No one at DPW was a bit concerned that the season for the high Santa Ana winds was approaching (October thru January), and apparently no one at DPW bothered to tell the LA fire department that they were draining the huge reservoir to "repair the cover." "Hey, we never needed this much water befo,' so why be concerned now, eh?"
If the county had cleared brush from the canyons and hilltops, it would have reduced the amount of fuel that initially spread the fire--and the wind-blown embers that spread it. But Newscum supported an order from the wokies to NOT do that,"we wants nature to be undisturbed" or something similar.
So now Newscum is blaming DPW for the hydrants running dry. Problem is, the head of the DPW is a DEI hire--a female, at TWICE the salary of the previous head. $750,000 a year. So she and the wokies will try to shift the blame to...duh fire chief of LA. A former DPW lackey has already bleated that if the huge Santa Ynez reservoir had been full it wouldn't have helped "in the long run."
Ah, so having 40 times more water available wouldn't have changed the result? You're certain about that, are ya?
So the female head of the DPW blames duh fire chief. But the fire chief is a lesbian, so duh gay mafia will rally to defend her. She's blaming the corrupt mayor, the awful Karen Bass, for cutting the fire department budget.
Bass has already gone on TV saying "None of the money we cut had anything to do with training or preparedness." Ahh, so was the $17.6 million you cut all for "DEI training" or equally useless shit? Yeah, no, but Bass has already claimed NONE of the millions cut had ANY effect on training or firefighting capability. And no reporter in the Democrat-fellating Media will ask her for specifics.
So who's left for the higher-ups to blame for this unprecedented disaster, eh?
That's right: "Global Worming"! bidumb has already explicitly said the fires were caused by Global Warming, so that's all the top-cover Newscum needs. Blaming GW (now called "climate change") lets the moron Newsom and duh black female communist mayor (Bass) an' duh female head of the DPW an' duh lesbian fire chief (whose "top priority" was to establish a "DEI Bureau" staffed by another lesbian) escape all blame. Nice! So no official will be held responsible.
Now I totally agree that "competence is where you find it," regardless of sex or sex preference. But when a pol openly pushes sex and preference FIRST, it's reasonable to think maybe they're more interested in checking those boxes than in competence.
Now about Newscum's "investigation:" It'll be staffed by his lackeys, who will find Newsom and his orders not to clear brush (endorsed by the Democrat-ruled state legislature) played no role whatsoever in making the disaster worse. Same with the female head of the DPW--appointed by the Dem-ruled LA city council--who left the huge new reservoir drained during Santa Ana wind season. Same for the lesbian fire chief. Same for Karen Bass, who cut the FD's budget by $17.6 million.
So the sham "investigation" will conclude that this was "an unforeseeable event" and that all Dem officials did a perfect job. So it had to have been caused by "climate change!" And you know who's caused "climate change," right?
You, citizen, by driving your awful gas-powered cars! With the help of Donald Trump, of course. Cuz for some reason he thinks oil and gas are guud. Crazy, right?
Conservative: "Wait...I read in a technical journal that the Chinese have been building an average of two new coal-fired generating plants a WEEK. Why haven't the biden regime and the Mainstream Media criticized China--or even publicized their huge use of coal?"
Media: "Shut up, that's why."
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