ESPN spins loss by the volleyball team with the tranny for the losing team
If you get your "newz" from the Lying Mainstream Media you have no idea what's really going on.
Example: The Lying Mainstream Media--including ESPN--has been supporting men competing in women's sports for years. Dey'z fine wif' dat cuz...wait fo' it..."Doze pyrsyns iz reeeeallly wimmen! Really! We haz declared it to be true, so yew mus' believe it!"
SO...San Jose State had a very tall tranny on their volleyball team. Huge advantage, and as you could guess, the coach and the school understandably took that advantage. But rather than confront the obvious lie (which would have exposed the lie) they played coy: "We do NOT admit there is a biological male on ouah squad, so neener neeer neener!"
Lying, woke, Democrat-fellating media outlets like ESPN carefully, assiduously avoided evah admitting that a biological male was a member of the San Jose State team, cuz..."Pipo who claim t'be wimmens IZ wimmens, yew deplorable bigots!"
SO...yesterday the real women of Colorado State's volleyball team defeated San Jose State for the Mountain West championship. So how did ESPN spin the win?
By quoting the SJS coach:
"Our team played their hearts out today, the way they have done all season, This has been one of the most difficult seasons I've ever experienced.... Maintaining our focus on the court and ensuring the overall safety and well-being of my players..."
Ahh, the safety of "my players," y'say? Clearly, you were perfectly fine subjecting real females to the superior strength and height of the man claiming to be female, eh? And the wokiez who run ESPN were totally fine with it.
If you doubt ESPN is in the tank for trannies, here ya go:
"We did not take away anyone's participation opportunities. Sadly, others who for years have played this same team without incident chose not to play us this season. We did not celebrate a single win by forfeiture. (But you took the win, eh?) Instead, we braced for the fallout. Each forfeiture unleashed appalling, hateful messages to our players and staff."
Wow, so you claim you're the real victims here, eh? You deliberately supported a lie, then whined when rational people called you out on it. That's SO woke of yew. ESPN goes on...
The player has not spoken about her identity...
Ahh, "...her identity," eh? By using "her" the wokiez who run ESPN show they fully support the same lie the Democrat leaders do: that men who claim to be women are actually women.
And the REAL hoot is that these crazy bastards constantly bleat that everyone must "follow the science!" when it benefits their side, as on the Chyna virus or "climate change." So, loons, what part of "science" supports your claim that men pretending to be female are really women, eh?
Take as long as you like to find the "science" supporting your bullshit claim.
Now: Many Americans think this is a trivial issue--a "tempest in a teapot," to use a metaphor from more rational times. Just like Democrats demanding open borders. Demanding that we spend unlimited tax dollars giving "migrants" (a.k.a. illegal alien invaders) housing, education, "free" medical care, "free" sex change surgeries and monthly cash. And demanding that you taxpayers stop using gas and oil, and stop eating meat.
Seriously, the tranny thing is a play in the same larger game plan: get you to submit. If you bend the knee to this lie, you'll accept anything. And the Dems know that.
Welcome to Dem-world, deplorable.
Source: ESPN
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