Fauci lies again, publishing a paper claiming (again) that covid evolved naturally
The POS fraud and liar Tony Fauci gave U.S. tax dollars to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to pay for "gain of function" research.
That's not speculation or rumor: We have the damn grant numbers! Moreover, in 2015--yes, three years BEFORE covid appeared!--the head of the WIV presented a paper at an international conference on viruses bragging about their success in inserting a single gene into a virus--and thanking the NIAID (which Fauci headed) for funding the work!
Her paper even published the grant number--which matches the number of the grant made by the NIAID in the public domain on our end. And since the Wuhan paper was published and presented at the international conference in 2015, no one can make it vanish. Think about that.
So as the American public is just beginning to learn the truth, Fauci understandably wants to save his precious reputation as a towering figure of scientific expertise, eh? So he's mounting a counterattack: he just published a paper claiming (again) that covid was NOT modified in the Wuhan lab but evolved totally naturally! A snipped of that paper:
Ahhh, "abundant evidence from TOP evolutionary virologists and leading scientists," eh? He's a lying son of a bitch, and he knows it. We have emails from him to his pet lackeys--PhDs who were utterly dependent on him for multi-million-dollar govt grants--urging them to write a paper for the U.K's most prestigious medical journal claiming the virus could NOT have been modified in a lab. But he carefully kept his name out of the record, to throw investigators off the trail.
"SEE, citizen? Independent experts wrote dis paper! I had nuffin to do wif it! I iz 'Doctor Science,' and yew mus' believe me!"
Fauci also includes the lie that Trump suggested that covid patients should "inject bleach."
So watch over the next few weeks as the corrupt Mainstream Media rallies to support Fauci's utter lie that the virus evolved from a one harmless to humans to lethal to humans, totally naturally.
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