November 09, 2024

Every Mainstream Media outlet: "Trump's election has women swearing off men."

After the narrow election loss for the Dems, women are being encouraged to join a new movement now catching on among liberal women to protest Trump and Republicans.  That movement has four requirements for participants:  No dating men, no marrying men, no sex with men and don't have children.

One such urger says "A lot of women don't feel taken care of by the government in their homes in many different ways,"

Ahh, you "don't feel taken care of by the government," y'say?  Of course--cuz errywun know one of duh principles the Founders held wuz dat duh main purpose of government wuz to take care of liberal wymyn, right?

"We see Brock Turner getting let off. We see Brett Kavanaugh walking. We see Trump becoming president.  So women feel completely overlooked."

Let's review: Your party lost the election because of a) the coup harris, pelosi and obozo executed on their lawful nominee; b) their refusal to allow an open "mini-primary" after that coup; c) your awful candidate, and d) your party's awful policies.  And you bleat that you feel "overlooked"?  Not getting the connection.  But as long as your stupid followers do, that's all that matters.

One of the feminist "strategists" wrote "We can’t let these men have the last laugh.  We need to bite back."  That post got 470,000 likes.   Another wrote "Don’t give in until men start listening.  Then they'll start to panic."

 "Marriage is not what I'm made for as a woman," says movement pusher Ashli Pollard. "I'm made for so many more beautiful things. There's so many other deep relationships I can have."

This is too fabulous!  By all means, liberal women, stop dating, stop having sex (with men, anyway) and stop having  children.  You go, girls!
  Your brilliant feminist leaders have thought this through SO well that it can't possibly fail.  Really.  All the Media elites--in fact all good people--are sure this will work out just the way you expect.  Really.  
   Of course a few skeptics say refusing to date men, have sex with men, or have children (with men) is what's called a "career-ending move," eh?  But what do they know, right?  After all, skeptics claimed electric cars wouldn't catch on, and we've seen how wrong the skeptics were, right?

Refusing to date men, refusing sex (with men, anyway) and not having children sounds like the perfect life for liberal women.  After all, who wants to raise kids when climbing the corporate ladder is SO much more fulfilling, eh?
That was USAToday.  Here's the Daily Beast: 

Since the election young American women are being urged to refuse to romantically or sexually interact with men.
  The women pushing this "movement" are furious that a majority of men voted for Trump....

And of course the lying propagandists at the Beast can't resist adding "...who was found liable for sexual abuse, faces multiple sexual assault allegations, and created a path for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade."
   Wow, "created a path for the SC to overturn Roe," y'say?  Why that's AWFUL!  Probably unconstitutional!  How'd duh Orange Hitler doo dat, eh?
   Wait...y'say he appointed judges to the court when others retired or died?  Why, that'd jus' AWFUL!  How dare he??!

Hey, how does this sound?: "Men are furious that a majority of women voted for Harris, so influencers are urging men to refuse to date women, refuse to marry and refuse to have sex."  
   How do ya think the Media would react to that, eh?    
   Sure: "This is the stupidest thing we've ever heard of!"  But when women do the same thing, every media outlet positively swoons over what a great idea it is!

In the U.S., the 4B movement centers on  resistance against a conservative political sphere and the dismantling of reproductive rights.

Pure propaganda: the court correctly decided that its earlier decision that the Constitution implied that unlimited abortion was a right, arguably stemming from an implied "right to privacy," was a decision properly left to the states.  Liberal states were and are free to make no restrictions on abortion up to the moment of birth.

These points combine with online misogyny touted by the manosphere and incel culture.

Wow, "the manosphere," eh?  And what are you "4B feminists" blaming what you call the "incel culture" for?  For folks in flyover country, "incel" is "involuntarily celebate."  But 4B feminists have already decreed no more sex with men, so why would "incels" be a factor, eh?

Ashli Pollard, one of the main pushers of the 4B movement, says “We have pandered and begged for men’s safety and done all the things that we were supposed to, and they still hate us.  So if you’re going to hate us, we’re going to do what we want.”

"We have pandered and begged for men's safety," eh?  Can anyone say what that means using normal rules of English?  And this is one of the main gals driving the Movement, y'say?  Ooof.

Other women said it was all about taking power back:
  “If we can’t control what they do in terms of legislation and abortion rights, we have to do it ourselves--starting with cutting out the male influence in our life and making sure we’re best prepared for when January comes."

Cupcake, there's no male influence in your lives.  There's Media influence, and soy-boy influence, but nothing I recognize as "male."

But finally, from CNN, we learn some...interesting info about 4B pusher Ashli Pollard:

Pollard says she learned about South Korea’s 4B movement a few years ago, inspiring her to “examine what a life looks like without (men; carefully camouflaged as "without centering men so deeply.”) She says that since 2022 she hasn’t dated or slept with men, and realized she’s better off without one.  Says her decision to "disengage from men wasn’t necessarily an act of vengeance."  Rather, it was about putting herself first."

Color me shocked.

She has the income to support herself without marriage, and plans to have a child alone.

Wait...wasn't one of the "four Bs" "don't have children"?

Why yes, yes it was.  And all of the anti-Trump propaganda about this movement in the Mainstream Media (because that's exactly what it is, and is intended to be) touts this creature as the main pusher of this "movement."
   So what we see is "Do as I say, not as I do," eh?  In other words, a typical liberal Democrat!

SOooo..."If you're a liberal female pyrsyn, be sure to listen to Ashli Pollard and the Mainstream Media, and boycott men.  Cuz...who needs 'em, eh?  Duh gummint gon' gibs ya everything ya need!  Oh, and do NOT have kids!
   But because Ashli plans to have a child by herself--ignoring one of the demands of her own fucking movement--it seems she's a full-on hypocrite.  So again, a typical Democrat.

Source: CNN


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