November 07, 2024

In 2020 there were officially 155 million total votes. This year less than 140 million. How??

As the joy of Tuesday wears off, consider this: in 2020 bidumb was officially reported to have gotten 81,283,501 votes, while Trump got 74,223,975. (Source: Wiki.  Yeah, I know)

For the maff-challenged (i.e. liberal Democrats) that's a total of 155.5 million votes.  Yet this year the reported national vote so far is 71.6 million for Trump, 66.6 mill for Cackles--so 138.2 million total votes.  With late reports let's say it ends up 140 million or so.
  But can that be?  More people than ever were registered to vote this year, and I thought the *percentage* turnout of voters was supposedly the highest in history, since Dems were furiously determined to prevent duh eeebil Orange Man from winning, eh?
...And yet...140 million TOTAL votes logged yesterday vs. an alleged 155 million in 2020? 

How can that be?  Starting to see what happened yet?

How did bidumb officially get credited with 81,283,500 votes in 2020 when there were fewer registered voters in 2020 and far lower enthusiasm?  Remember Cackles is young "black" (not really) and female, while bidumb was a boring white male, and OLD.   Yet somehow, in 2020 biden "officially," got 14 million MORE votes than the faaaabulous, young, female, black harris?  (81.3 million votes officially tallied for bidumb in 2020, vs. 67 million for harris this year.)
   Let me repeat that: bidumb supposedly got 14.3 million MORE votes in 2020 than the faabulous, far younger, black, female harris got yesterday--and with millions more registered democrats? 

 Are you kidding?   

Yet more evidence that the Democrats brazenly stole the 2020 election.


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