November 07, 2024

Post-election rant. Love it! ESAD, leaderz of duh lying Dem partei!

Wednesday morning: Woke up, and to my surprise the world was still here.

I found that surprising because for months the Mainstream Media had been screaming that if we elected Trump, the world would end.  Of course that may still happen, as people like Letitia James have already declared war on Trump.  

You go, bitch!

Anyone else feeling "unburdened by what has been?"

Let me state here for the record: I don't hate *all* Democrats: if you work hard to provide for your family, we're fine.  The people I hate are your party's leaders, and the Mainstream Media that supports 'em. Both groups lie *brazenly, shamelessly* to win power.  They don't give a damn about you or your kids.  You're tools by which they gain and maintain power.

Graphic on MSNBC: "Trump wins despite racism, misogyny and xenophobia."

Seriously, they ran that dozens of times yesterday.  I watched MSNBC for three hours on Wednesday just to see how they were coping with the results.  And they fully matched my expectations.  Watching Andrea Mitchell get more and more angry made my day.

POS lesbian Olivia Troye, who MSNBC bills as a "senior advisor to Mike Pence" (which explains everything), wailing about being worried about the rights of LGBTQetc with Trump as prez.  Chill, moronic bitch: you'll have exactly the same rights as everyone else, just no *extra* rights.  And I know you hate that, cuz you've lost a huge advantage the Dems had gifted you.

Olivia claims she's heard from people in the intel community scared that they'll lose power.  Lord I hope so.  Everyone in the so-called "intel community" should be fired.  These are the bastards who signed a letter bleating that Hunty bribem's laptop was a fake: "Russian disinformation," eh?

That letter was released two weeks before the 2020 election.  And naive voters naturally believed the "intel" pipo knew the truth--when in fact *not one had examined the laptop* (which had been seized by the FBI to prevent voters from learning the truth.)

And yet dey *absolutely assured you* dat duh laptop was a fake.

Lying sons of whores.  Anything to win the 2020 election, eh?  Or any other.

I'm watching the Dems on MSNBC rationalize that the election results don't mean a thing.  Watching a black radical saying "Kamala didn't play to her base."  Really?  She didn't play to anyone BUT her base, and their lunacy.

MSNBC takes ten minutes to fawningly interview the "first transgender member of congress," from bidumb's home state of Delaware.  Few things better illustrate the stunning gap between the Democrat party and normal Americans than fawning over trannies.

MSNBC talking heads *furious* that the Democrat party has now nominated TWO women for president, and *neither won!*  So *obviously* that proves Americans are sexist!!!

Of course it could mean the Dems' two candidates were absolutely awful.  "Nah, dat not possible!  Cuz duh Media sed dey wuz duh greates' t'ing evah!"

National popular vote this year: 71.6 million to 66.6.  Total of 138.2 million or so.  

Now consider this: in 2020 bidumb was *officially* reported to have gotten 81,283,501 votes, while Trump got 74,223,975. (Source: Wiki.  Yeah, I know)
  For the maff-challenged that's a combined 155.5 million votes.

Yet this year we've only seen 138.2 million total votes.  With late reporting let's say it ends up 140 million or so.

But can that be?  More people than ever were registered to vote this year, and I thought the *percentage* turnout of voters was supposedly the highest in history, since Dems were furiously determined to prevent duh eeebil Orange Man from winning, eh?
...And yet...140 million TOTAL votes logged yesterday vs. an alleged 155 million in 2020?
Does anyone really believe 15 million MORE people voted four years ago than in the hotly contested election this year, with more registered voters and huge turnout?


How did bidumb *officially* get credited with 81,283,500 votes in 2020 when there were fewer registered voters and far lower enthusiasm?  After all, Cackles is both black (sort of) and female, while bidumb was a boring white male and...OLD.  AND this year millions of women were angry about the Supreme Court returning abortion laws to the states.

Yet in 2020 biden supposedly, "officially," got 14 million MORE votes than the faaaabulous, young, female, black harris?  (81.3 million votes officially tallied for bidumb vs. 67 million for harris.)

Let me repeat that: In 2020, with far fewer registered Dem voters--and before all the screaming over Roe--bidumb supposedly got 14.3 million MORE votes than the faabulous, far younger, black, female harris got yesterday?  

*Are you kidding?*

Starting to see what happened yet?

Los Angeles DA George Gascon (elected with Soros money) lost.  Good riddance you communist POS.

(Peter Baker, NYT POS)

MSNBC claims "Trump allowed Kim Jong Un to develop nuclear weapons."  Seriously.  

Claims brad raffensperger had to spend half a million *of his own money* to defend himself against a lawsuit for breaking Georgia law in 2020!  A lie. If he was sued for an official act within his purview, taxpayers paid for his defense.

Andrea Mitchell: "Many people claim Hunter biden would never have been prosecuted if his father hadn't decided to run for president."  
   You smug, smirking, fucking bitch.  The utterly corrupt hunty collected tens of millions for his dad and was NEVER prosecuted for that--and Trump won't prosecute him either.  He was charged for lying on a federal firearms form--something other people are jailed for.  But Hunty will get off free, cuz...he speshul!

MSNBC quotes a NYT opinion piece (i.e. Times must have loved it) about Trump's victory: "The conquering of a nation..."

Say, do ya think that when bribem was awarded the presidency in 2020 the Times called THAT "the conquering of a nation"?

Not only no but hell no.  The assholes at the Times only call it a disaster if conservatives win.

Katy Tur: "Trump has promised to pardon the jan 6th convicts, expecially the more violent ones."
   Which ones were violent, specifically?  Name the ones accused of violence, bitch.  You lie.  None of the J6 demonstrators in prison was convicted of a violent crime.

They're still calling Trump a fascist.

A POS male claims Republicans refused to certify the 2020 election.  You lying motherfucking rat-bastard!  The 2020 election WAS certified, on schedule.  For you to say it wasn't is a ghastly lie.

Rachel Madcow and Joy Behar are calling for "resistance."  "Continue to fight."

Obama's lackeys in the Media are ALL uniformly blaming *biden* for their loss!  This is breathtaking in its brazenness, since the Democrat party--at the behest of Obozo and Pelosi--*forced biden to renounce the Democrat nomination he'd won.*  So how is it his fault Cackles lost, eh?

The Media (i.e. Obozo) explains that it's because he dared to run for re-election instead of saying he'd step aside after his first term.  Got it?

Wait...didn't Cackles herself, and the entire Lying Mainstream Media, claim--until the day they forced bidumb out!--that he was "sharp as a tack"?

Why yes, yes they did.  But *now* you need to blame someone other than the Partei fo' duh loss, eh?  Cuz we can't go blaming duh real party rulerz, right?  So the natural choice for blame is the senile bidumb.

Here's how the worthless POS site Politico lies about it:
>>after Democrats *excised Biden from the ticket,* she rapidly consolidated her moribund party, rallying women...and raising eye-popping sums from donors.>>

Wow: "excised biden from the ticket" sounds SO much better than "forced him to renounce the nomination he'd won in every single Democrat primary," eh?

And "raising *eye-popping sums* from donors," eh?  Interesting that you didn't mention the amount the bitch raked in.  Those of you who get your info from the Lying Mainstream Media may not have heard that Dem donors gave the party one BILLION dollars to get the Dems the win.

That was between two and three times more than donors gave the Trump campaign.  Politico would have told you the actual number donated by rich Dems but sadly they'd spent all their electrons so they could only say "eye-popping sums," eh?

When you have a BILLION dollars and still get utterly, resoundingly trounced, that should be a wakeup call, eh?  But not for obamacrats or pelosicrats or shumercrats.  For them, it's all bidumb's fault.  

Or due to less than total support from duh Media.  Or maybe from "Russian interference," eh?  Cuz Trump beez "Putin's stooge," right?

Anything...literally ANYTHING other than admitting "We had the worst candidate in history, and we didn't listen to the concerns of voters," eh?

Okay, exit question: We've all seen screaming mobs of trannies and antifa and BLM blocking airports and burning and looting.  We saw it in DC on Trump's inauguration in 2016.  (Thousands of cell phone vids on the net.)  SO...anyone wanna bet this January's inauguration will be peaceful?

Letitia James "we will fight back" speech day after election.  A declaration of war.


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