November 11, 2024

As Leftists at the Atlantic melt down, one starts to see some problems...for Dems

Just three days after the election a stalwart Dem (Josh Barro) writing in an oh-so-"sophisticated" liberal magazine (The Atlantic) wailed about the horror of last Tuesday:

By electing Donald Trump again, the American electorate has made a bad decision, one that will expose our country to unreasonable risks in (every area).

Fiscal policy will get worse—budget deficits will become even larger, keeping interest rates high...

This from the party that muscled through wasteful trillion-dollar bullshit laws--yes, with RINO help, but definitely pushed by your party and signed by your vegetable...laws that fired up inflation to the highest levels in 40 damn years.  But only NOW do you suddenly bleat about budget deficits, eh?  You've already showed your a lying hypocrite, so do go on.

Programs that provide health care to the poor and elderly are likely to be trimmed back to finance tax cuts for rich people.

Hey Josh--you hypocrite--here's a great idea for ya: start a big Hollywood-backed campaign urging the IRS to set up a special account for rich people to pay MORE tax than they owe!  The vast sums raised would be used to pay for healthcare for the poor and elderly.  
   Good Dems--like you--then urge everyone earning over, say, two million a year to voluntarily pay the IRS an extra $50,000 into this special account.  And if you're a *really high-earner,* jack that up to $200,000 or so.  And the IRS would post the names of all donors and the amounts!
   I'll bet all your liberal friends would rush to donate!  And all those millions donated by Democrats would put Republican billionaires to shame, and they'd be guilted into donating just as much!  Win-win, eh?
   Go for it, Josh!  You'll be famous!  Nobel Prize stuff!  No?  Why not?

Abortion rights are likely to be further restricted by a hostile administration that uses the powers of the FDA and the Department of Justice to make abortion harder to provide.

Josh, since you're a true sophisticate and get paid for "thinking," one would think you'd have read the Supreme Court's decision overturning Roe, in which case you'd have known that the court said laws on abortion were properly the province of each state, not the federal government.
   So that doesn't leave any room for the Trump administration to take over that role.  But do continue fearmongering, since that works so well for your party, eh?  "Trump is Hitler!  Trump voters are all Nazis!"  That worked SO well, eh?

We’ll have another four years under Trump’s exhausting, mercurial, and divisive leadership, making our politics nastier and stupider.

Is this more of that alleged "unity" and "healing" the Democrats bleated that they were pushing?  Y'all screamed a LOT about Trump's "divisive leadership" over the past 4 years, and how your party was all about unity and healing, but we haven't seen a bit of it in practice.  All talk.  "MAGA Republicans want to take the country back to fascism!"  Very healing talk, eh?

I wish the election had gone the other way.  I am annoyed.  (But) there’s a big part of me that feels Democrats deserved to lose this election, even if Trump did not deserve to win it.

In New York City we're governed by Democrats, and pay the highest taxes in the country.  (But) our transportation agencies are black holes for money, unable to (improve things) despite repeated increases in the taxes that fund them, because building a subway line here costs four times as much per mile as it does in France, because union rules force the agency to overstaff itself, inflating operating costs.

Wait, I thought you were bitching and whining about Trump, Josh.  The problems in NYC are entirely caused by Dem policies--including union rules and inflated costs.  But DO go on, because you're on the brink of a big discovery--though you won't realize it.

Half of bus riders don’t pay the fare, and MTA employees don’t try to make them. Emotionally disturbed homeless people camp out on the transit system: The other day I was on a bus where one shouted repeatedly that another passenger was a faggot.  And even though police are all over the place (at great taxpayer expense), they don’t do much about these disturbances, and I can’t entirely blame them since our government lacks the legal authority to keep troubled people either in jail or in treatment.

You are SO close to an earthshaking, paradigm-changing discovery, Josh.  SO close!  Will you find it before you get pulled back into the herd?

The city can't stop people from shoplifting, so most merchandise at pharmacies is in locked cabinets. A judge recently said the city can’t even shut down the illegal cannabis stores that have popped up all over the place—somehow that’s unconstitutional, and so years into what was supposed to be the “wokest” legal cannabis regime in the country, our government still can’t figure out how to make sure that people who sell weed have a license to do so.

Dude, you are on fire!  You've made every observation correctly, so now if you can just connect those dots and identify the problem, you'll be ready to take the first step to fix things!  If you can just keep your focus for one more minute!

NYC is under a state-court order to spend billions of our dollars to house migrants in Midtown hotels that once housed tourists and business travelers...

With every sentence you get closer to the truth!  Will he get over the finish line, readers, or will he fall back into the familiar "it's all the fault of Trump's divisive policies, raaaacism and misogyny"?

Housing costs in NYC are insane, because the city makes building anything very hard...

We'd tell Josh that one man seems to have found out how to get things built in your city, but Josh would probably say that was fake newz.

Visiting here is really expensive, too, partly because so many hotels are now full of migrants, and partly because the city council made building new hotels functionally illegal.

Wow, who let all those "migrants" into the U.S, eh?  Too bad a small percentage of 'em came to your city, eh?  But the FBI and city hall assure ya that crime is down, so at least that's not a problem!  What a relief, eh?

As a result of all of this, New York is losing population.  We'll probably lose three more seats in congress in 2030.

To Josh and his fellow elites, crime isn't a problem.  (The elites are never affected.)  Illegals in hotels is someone else's problem.  But losing power in DC...OOOoohhh, now dat's a big problem.

And where are our people (i.e. New York City residents) moving to? To Sun Belt states, mostly run by Republicans, where building housing and growing the economy is still possible.  People of all races and identities flee New York for other, officially less “inclusive” places where they can actually afford a decent quality of life.

You're right again, champ!  And we're delighted, so Do go on.   Next up: Democrats promised "stability"--a huge plus compared to Trump's--how did you put it?  Ahh, "mercurial leadership."  So let's see how that worked out, eh?

The most significant aspect of the instability has been post-COVID inflation—a global problem that has taken out incumbent governments all over the world. Inflation is mostly not Democrats’ fault, though they did exacerbate it by overstimulating the economy with the American Rescue Plan, and then they failed to focus early enough on inflation as the key economic problem of the biden administration.
   To be precise, the ARP, passed in early 2021, constituted an unnecessary $2 trillion stimulus that mostly produced inflation rather than real GDP growth. Then throughout 2022, even as inflation started to bite (increase to where even low-info voters recognized it?), Democrats were still looking for every way they could find to spend as much money as possible to satisfy interest-group constituencies.

Spot-on again, Josh!  Say, you're beginning to sound almost a bit...dare we say it?...conservative.

Even the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, which was supposed to reduce inflation, is currently increasing the deficit by tens of billions of dollars a year and, if left unchanged, will continue to do so through 2027. The deficit reduction doesn't even begin until 2028.

Wasn't it cunning of your party to slip that last fact in at midnight before the vote to pass it, so duh Media had all the time needed to bleat dat dis wuz "the Inflation Reduction Act"!!!!  No reduction til 2028, but...we get credit for doing it NOW!  Yay Democrats!"

The other big de-stabilizer is the migrant crisis, which was born out of this administration’s fecklessness—Biden rapidly reversing Trump’s immigration executive orders upon entering office without any plan for controlling the border--apparently without realizing that millions more migrants would come if they knew they'd get to stay here.

A failure to consider incentives is a common theme when Democrats fail.

Democrats didn't start pretending to talk about enforcement until after Texas Governor Greg Abbott made the crisis a blue-state issue by busing migrants to New York en masse to fill Democrats’ hotels and consume Democratic budgets.

Okay, will someone at the Atlantic 'fess up about Josh?  He's obviously been posing as a liberal Democrat for years, but is really a conservative who's been waiting for just the right time to sabotage your party!
  With all these devastating observations he's almost certainly on Trump's payroll!  Wow, you Dems at the Atlantic really got owned on this one, eh?

Wait...y'say that despite all the above, devastatingly correct observations, he really IS a liberal?

Wow, is the world about to end?

Nah, bro, just kidding: Josh isn't about to leave the Democrat plantation.  He can't.  Like all Democrats, he prizes being "cool" and hip and elite, and "everyone knows" only Democrats are those things.

They go to the swankiest parties, never stand on line at trendy eateries, and summer in the Hamptons.  They drive luxury electric cars and think CO2 is killing duh Erf, but don't see a problem with jetting over to France for Cannes, or Geneva for a "climate conference."

This is exactly the kind of "thinking" that enables Josh to see all the problems his party's policies have totally caused, and yet avoid the obvious conclusion: your party is totally insane.

So instead they're growling menacingly about "reactivating the Resistance," and "fighting in the public square."  (That last phrase is from Cackles' "concession speech," seriously.)

And you assholes bleat that Trump is "divisive"?

Projection.  You've definitely mastered it, Dems.



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