September 22, 2024

It's coming--again: massive, organized election fraud. Guaranteed.

No man who's served honorably in our armed forces would ever vote for a lying POS pedo Chinese suck-up like Tim "stolen valor" Walz.  But for some unexplained reason the voting machines--cunningly re-programmed by internet connection--will doubtless find millions of veterans who end up switching their votes to him.
   Well, maybe the veterans won't *want to* vote Dem, but their votes will be switched anyway.  But don't be upset, comrade: "it's just a glitch."  Really!  Surely you were the only person that happened to.  This was NOT clever election fraud.  Really!  Jus' like 2020--"duh mos' honest election in our history!

Every civilization and nation has always ended up with the same two choices:

1) Stand up, defend and protect your way of life--at the risk of being killed; or
2) Lose your nation/civilization

After the schools have spent almost three decades convincing young Americans that our nation is raaaccist and built on stolen land, about half of all Americans appear to have chosen the second option.  

And because the party with the most votes wins--and because morons can vote--then when the "America isn't worth defending" group becomes the majority, the only way back is if those same morons have a change of heart--and by then it'll be too late.

And it's no coincidence that the same morons who don't think America is worth fighting for are also the ones who *demand* endless free stuff from the government.  So when they're the majority--as they almost are today--they'll continue to vote more and more "free" stuff--in which case our system of government will become indistinguishable from communism.  

When the morons are in the majority, the only way to avoid becoming, say, Albania, is civil war 2.  No one wants that, but if that's the only way out, burn it all down and start over.

That or learn Chinese.  I say "light it up."


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