July 28, 2024

Huge wildfire in northern Cal. Globull Worming!! Nope, arson

As you probably know, a wildfire in California has now burned over 350,000 acres.  It's called the Park Fire, and the perimeter is now so large that experts say it may eventually burn well over 500,000 acres. 

In reporting on the fire a San Francisco paper emphasized how dry the area was--due to global warming, of course.  Nevermind that California has had two very wet years in a row which have now re-filled all the reservoirs, cuz...well, global warming can doo dat too, right?

Anyway, it wasn't until the 14 paragraph that the "reporter" bothered to mention that the fire was actually arson, and the perp--an ex-con with a long criminal record--has been arrested.

See, dey had ta get duh Globull Worming scare in there early, knowing that most people don't read past the first six or seven 'grafs.

The Powers That Be--the ones who want you to go without a/c in the summer, live in 55-degree cold in winter and eat bugs--are determined to hide anything that would ease your willingness to go along with their scam.

The Mainstream Media: "All Propaganda, All the Time."



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