August 03, 2024

Harris is a total lying communist--and the Mainstream Media is covering for her

The leftist/Democrat-run media is now claiming that Cackles is a "moderate"--even a "small-c conservative."  Seriously.  They're even denying that biden had ever put her in charge of "fixing the border" (i.e. named her the "border czar").

For a short time Cackles was District Attorney for San Francisco.  Even though she was a communist/liberal/Democrat all during that time, she threw lots of people in jail for weed, to make voters think she was "tough on crime."

When pro-life journalist David Daleiden published hidden-camera videos of Planned Parenthood execs casually discussing selling body parts of aborted babies--supposedly a federal crime--Harris ordered his home raided, seized evidence, and then tried to throw him in prison. She later teamed up with the abortion mill to write legislation that would deprive pro-lifers of their free speech rights.

Like all authoritarians (for young Americans, dictators), Harris only enforced the laws she agreed with.  By contrast, Cackles opposed the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court because she said he "consistently valued narrow legalisms," i.e. he respected the Constitution.

A clue to Cackles' "reasoning" is in the 2020 Democrat primary debates when she said she'd issue an executive order banning civilians from owning certain guns.  When candidate Biden argued that would be unconstitutional, she retorted: "Hey, Joe, instead of saying 'No, we can't,' let's say 'yes, we can.'"  She believed--and believes--Dem presidents can do whatever they want.

She's said illegal immigration should be treated as a civil, rather than criminal, offense.  She supported abolishing private health insurance, saying "Let's eliminate all of that. Let's move on."  

She supported ending the filibuster in order to overturn state voting laws, supported nationalizing abortion until birth, and passing the Green New Deal -- an authoritarian takeover of the economy written by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, which would ban all fossil fuels, force Americans to retrofit every building in the country, eliminate air travel and meat, and create government-guaranteed jobs, among many other authoritarian measures.

By not having to run in the primaries, Cackles has avoided any voters seeing her true leftist positions.

She's said she believes the term "radical Islamic terrorism" should be abolished--not the terrorism, mind you, just the phrase. In 2020, she put out a video endorsing "equity" and insisted "equitable treatment *means we all end up at the same place."  That's actually communism.

In 2019 Cackles said there was "no question" she would ban fracking, and drilling on any federal areas, including offshore.  She fully supported encouraging not only giving cross-sex hormones to minor children but also gender surgeries.

She supported forcing taxpayers to pay for sex-change operations for prisoners, and for allowing biological males to be confined in  women's prisons.

In June of 2020 Cackles urged leftists to donate to a fund that posted bail for BLM rioters who burned cities, even tweeting a payment link to the Minnesota Freedom Fund.
She said of the rioters "They're not going to stop and...they're not going to stop.  They're not going to let up, *and they should not.*"

Most Americans hate all these positions, and  had Cackles gone through the primaries they would have come out, and would have been quite damaging.

Harris was ranked the "most liberal" member of the senate by the Democrat shill-site GovTrack.  It's revealing that as soon as Cackles was named as the Democrat nominee, GovTrack deleted that webpage.

Now, as the Democrat nominee, knowing all her past positions are unpopular with most voters, she NOW claims she never wanted to ban fracking, or drilling on federal leases.

We can expect her to reverse course on other far-left positions in the coming weeks.  But had she gone thru the primary process and been forced to support her original far-left positions, her current disavowals would strike voters as clearly phony.

But by managing to become the Dem nominee without ever having to debate in a primary, Harris can sell herself as a "moderate."  There's not enough time left for the public to  whether she was or wasn't the official "border czar."

She can *claim* to be a "centrist," counting on the media to support the new lies and hide her true positions.

Just two months after biden was installed, on March 24, 2021, biden announced he was tapping Harris to lead the nation's response to the vast and growing number of migrants entering the U.S. at the Mexican border. Her job, he said, would be to "stem the migration to our southern border."

In a call to reporters after that announcement, a senior official said Harris would "deal with the historic surge of illegal border crossings."

Within hours, all the major news organizations had trumpeted the story, with dozens of Mainstream "newz" outfits calling her "biden's new border czar." This is all thoroughly documented.

To show you how corrupt the Media is, just one hour after biden stepped aside as the Dem nominee and endorsed Harris on July 21, news organizations and Democrats were declaring that Harris was NEVER in charge of the border, that biden never called her "the border czar" and that the claim was all a right-wing conspiracy.

Leftist shill-site Axios not only deleted part of its 2021 story reporting Harris was "appointed by Biden as border czar," but added an "editor's note" saying it had "incorrectly" labeled her the "border czar"--which, of course, tacitly admitted that's what the shills had originally published.

And it wasn't just Axios.  Every Media outlet that had called Cackles the "border czar" in 2021--just to make her look important and to make it appear that biden wanted to stop the massive illegal invasion--agreed that she'd never actually been the "border czar."

The faaabulously dishonest New York Times not only joined the chorus of lies, saying, "Ms. Harris was not, in fact, appointed border czar," they went one better, adding "nor was she tasked with addressing the broader problems plaguing the border itself."

So not only was she never the "border czar," she wasn't "tasked" or even remotely involved with "addressing the broader problems plaguing the border itself."  Ahh, you mean "root causes"?  Cuz that's all we heard from her lying mouth: "Weez gotta address duh root causes of dis non-problem!"

For young Americans, this is called "revisionist history," and it was such a constant in the former Soviet Union that no one believed anything the communist rulers bleated.

Welcome to the Soviet Union, comrade.

Source: Ace of Spades


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