July 03, 2024

The Media is pretending they're shocked at biden's scary performance at the debate

The Media is pretending they're shocked at biden's performance during the debate.  "We nevah saw dis befo'!  Honest!


In reality everyone in the DC-based Media knew the truth.  All of 'em.

"60 Minutes" knew.
The NY Times knew.
CNN knew.
MSNBC knew.
All the alphabet broadcast networks knew.

Pro-Democrat (Leftist) media have had complete access to the president, his staff, and his administration for over three years.  They all knew, but they brazenly lied to you about biden's mental competence, to support the Democrat party and its ghastly policies, like open borders.

Anyone who questioned the competency of the president was demonized.  The Dem-fellating Media even claimed unedited videos showing biden demented behavior were "cheap fakes."

You've forgotten the heavily edited "60 Minutes" interview where the interviewer covered for the president by saying he was 'very tired?'  Can you imagine the Media making the same excuse for Trump?

When special counsel Robert Hur reported that even though biden had broken the law on removing classified documents when he left his VP office, Hur said he shouldn't be prosecuted because he claimed biden was "not competent to stand trial."  Remember?

The media promptly described Hur as "a tool of the Republican Party."  Surely you recall that, right? 

Unless you follow the charade closely, you don't.  Most Americans believe whatever the Media says is true, so if you never heard it in the Media it didn't happen, eh?

When the Wall Street Journal recently published a several-thousand-word, carefully researched, front page piece on the president's mental and physical health, it was described by Mainstream Media as right-wing propaganda.

Adolf Hitler's propaganda minister was the first to explain the theory of "The Big Lie:"  The idea was that if the regime repeated a lie often enough, almost everyone would believe it.  That works because good people have been taught from childhood to trust "their" government, so they can't believe that government would evah lie to 'em.

Know anyone like that?

The Nazis were the first to recognize the power of radio and movies to spread whatever the regime wanted 'em to accept as truth.  Since that technology had never existed before, people weren't automatically skeptical: instead they believed their government wouldn't lie to 'em.

Of course the Media obediently (and uncritically) repeated the government propaganda.  And back then citizens naturally believed the supposedly independent Media would never repeat something so often if it was a brazen lie, right?

Fortunately people are way smartah today, eh?  

In 1938 the only possible counteracting voice would have been small local papers, but those were just as easy to fool as the mass of citizens.

Fast-forward to 2020: Now the Big Lie was the Democrat-fellating Media claiming biden was not only NOT corrupt, but was competent to be  commander-in-chief.  And not just in 2020 but again this year, for a second term.

It never occurred to Americans that the Media would brazenly lie to support one political party.

Half of voters--the half that get all their newz from the Mainstream Media--trusted the media about biden--until the live video of the hugely-watched debate showed most of the previously sheltered Democrats the truth about Porridgebrain.

The Media claimed unedited footage of earlier biden mis-cues were "cheap fakes."  But they couldn't get away with that for the live debate broadcast.  So immediately after the debate ended his handlers were hitting the airwaves with one excuse after another:

"He had a cold."  "He was 'over-prepared.'"  "He had long-covid."  "The debate rules of no audience and no notes were rigged to favor Trump!"  "He was tired from just getting back from four trips to Europe!"  "It was a day ending in 'Y'."  You get the idea.

You need to keep in mind that the Media have known all along that biden was exactly like this.  But instead of being honest, they simply lied to you--manipulated you.  "We must keep RFK jr from running as an independent," the Media bleated.  Why?  But of course you already know the answer:  He'd siphon votes away from Porridgebrain.

So the Media published fake poll after fake poll claiming RFK would actually take more votes away from Trump.  But if they really believed that, why not let RFK on the ballot, eh?  It was a transparent lie.  And of course RFK is a total leftist, yet the Media claimed more conservatives would vote for him instead of Democrats and leftists.  What horseshit.

How stupid do they think you are?  Don't try to answer that.

Here's a suggestion:  While citizen journalists can certainly be biased, they're far less likely to be bribed than Media lackeys.  And the latter must toe the party line or they're fired--which isn't a problem for citizen journalists.  
H/T Bill Ackman @BillAckman, via Ace of Spades



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