July 02, 2024

NBC hack takes to his Sunday morning talk show to bleat that Dems will pick Harris

I am SO loving the tidal wave of blather from the Mainstream Media and Dem "elites" about "What do we do NOW?"

I hear NBC has a Sunday morning talk-show called "Meet the Press" or some such, hosted by a total leftist moron named Chuck Todd.  And last Sunday Chuckie joined the bleating mob chattering about whether the Democrat Party should dump the clearly senile Porridgebrain, and if so how, and for what replacement.

Someone posted a transcript of that amusing show, in which the brain trust Chuckie says not only have the ruling Dems already decided to dump biden, but that they've already chosen his replacement:

CHUCK TODD: If [biden] decides to [decline the nomination], he controls his delegates.  So he'd be king-maker...or queen-maker.  And there is really no other option, okay?  It's Kamala Harris.

Now if you know psychology you recognize that the "okay?" Chuckie adds at the end in is an effort to get listeners to buy his...amusing...assertion.  He doesn't believe it, but wants you to.  Hmmm...

TODD:  And I kind of think everybody needs to just realize that it's going to be her, which perhaps is why suddenly you have other Democratic figures saying, as much as they want this, they're nervous if she leads the ticket.

Oh, right: "As much as they want this," eh?  On what planet?  Everyone knows Harris is a moron, selected as VP by biden's handlers to ensure he wouldn't be impeached, just as Obozo chose biden for the same reason.  But Chuckie also knows that if he doesn't kiss the DIE ring--and show the leaders of the Dem party as totally DIE-supporting--NBC will shit-can him.  So we get the absurd bleat "As much as [the Democrat party] wants this..."

TODD:  How has Trump not gotten a lift out of this?  I think it just shows you how unpopular he is.

Well if Trump is really as unpopular as you bleat, Chuckie, the Democrats could leave biden in, or replace him with another corrupt, incompetent moron, and they'd still win--and no doubt with a record number of "votes," just like biden's mythical "81 million" in 2020, eh?

The betting odds went from about 53%-35% before the debate to about 54%-19% after.  Yet Chuckie claims Trump didn't get a "lift" after the debate?  Wow.

A commenter noted that Kamala was the first person to drop out of the 2020 presidential primary because less than one percent of Democrat voters supported her--even in her home state.  Her favorability ratings are lower than biden's.  And yet Chuckie claims the Dem "rulers" have already decided she's their nominee?  I'm...skeptical.

One Dem commenter unintentionally revealed the party's desperation by saying he thought they should nominate...Tammy Duckworth???  Really.

Another commenter:  "All the Marxists are thinking about now is how to keep power.  What we're seeing is democracy dying."  

Another commenter: "Kamala is less popular than Hillary.  Her own party didn't even want her.  Maybe the rulers of the Democrat party should have picked a non-DEI VP in 2020, instead of one chosen to prevent biden from being impeached regardless of how many impeachable crimes he committed."

Finally someone wrote "Todd is proof of the truth of the 'Peter Principle' (people are often promoted to one or more levels beyond their competence.)  He's a moron when it comes to politics--will say anything his producers tell him to say."



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