July 03, 2024

Karma pays a visit to the leaders of the Democrat Party

Democrats have a marvelous dilemma: Word from team Porridgebrain is that he and Jill have decided he'll remain as the party's nominee.  And since he clearly won virtually all the delegates in the primaries, the party currently has no rules that can force him to step aside.

Of course since the members of biden's cabinet are all Democrats, the party could get a majority of 'em to declare Porridge unable to perform the duties of the office--the 25th Amendment bomb.  But in that case Cackles "assumes the powers and duties of the office as Acting President."

My guess is that would upset a LOT of Americans, on both sides of the political aisle.

Also, the 25th contains a glitch the drafters don't seem to have anticipated: If the preznit doesn't wanna be removed, the 25th says he can send a letter to the senate and the speaker of the House saying he's able to resume the office.  Then the insurrectionists can counter by sending a letter saying "Yeah, he's still incompetent."

Much as I'd love to watch that, I don't think the Dems are willing to take on that argument.

But even if Porridgebrain were to agree to release his delegates at the convention, who would the Democrats nominate?  If Cackles wasn't such an obvious incompetent she'd be a shoe-in: a female, identifying as a person of color.  For the Dems that's almost as good as you can get.  If only she were a tranny she'd check all but one of the possible boxes (the other being lesbian).
Unfortunately everyone knows she's a moron.

The "leaders" of the Democrat party want governor hairdoo--Gavin Newsom.  But how do they step over the faaabulous Cackles for cis white male Hairdoo?

Okay, so how about the faaaabulous Gretchen Whitmer.  C'mon, surely you've heard of the faaabulous Gretch, right?  She doesn't identify as black but at least she's arguably female, checking at least one box for Democrat voters.  Yaaay!

Other Democrats are urging the party to pick a strong, smart, respected leader like...Amy Klobuchar?  Tammy Duckworth?  Cory Booker?  Or married-to-a-man Mayor Pete?  At least either of the last two would pick up the gay vote.

To summarize: The leaders of the Democrat party want to replace senile Joe with governor Hairdoo--younger, photogenic, reliably left.  But to do that they'd have to dump Cackles--alienating black and female voters.

Interesting dilemma, eh?  And the topper is that biden's handlers--and every leader of the Democrat party--have known all along that joe was toast.  It's why they've been trying like mad to prevent Trump from appearing on state ballots, or if that failed, to have him jailed so he couldn't campaign.

Kind of ironic, eh?  What they've tried to do to Trump has come back to bite them in the ass, and totally because they stole the last presidential election.  Wow.

Time Magazine's "Person of the Year" should be...Karma.  (No, that's not a cutesy name for Cackles.)


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