June 15, 2024

biden regime has the fix for losing support with young voters: Hire "influencers"

For months, biden's handlers--all hip, cool professionals-- have watched as Trump's supporters have flooded the zone with an endless stream of memes, videos and posts sneering at biden's ludicrous tales.  They see they're losing the young vote.

Of course they'd never admit it, but now Porridgebrain's handlers are working furiously to counter the losses by persuading--*and in some cases paying*--"influencers" to sing Mr. Biden's praises to their followers.  And the Dems are finding that young Americans aren't as stupid as the Dems thought.

For those over 40: "influencers" are people who make a great living getting companies to give 'em stuff in return for the influencer praising the "client."  If you wanna get a faaabulous review of your new hotel in Polynesia, give me a first-class ticket to your place, and a free week with all meals and drinks comped, and you'll get a great review to my million followers.

Of course you're "cool" so you already knew all that, eh?

If you're too old to be an influencer you can make millions by start a business that connects influencers with paying clients eager to tap that market.  They'll tell you "It's clear we have to use influencers to reach the future of the progressive movement!"

Does that sound faaaabulous?  That's the co-founder of a group that connects Democrats with Gen-Z voters.  So if ya wanna connect with young voters, hire him, eh?

But it doesn't seem very likely that influencers will be seduced by a White House dinner.  Ooohh, what to do, eh?  Easy: pay 'em. One big Democrat "political action committee" (Priorities USA) has said it will spend at least $1 million on influencers.

Hey, paying for a favorable comment or review is a time-honored tactic in movie reviews, so this is just the same, eh?

In April the Biden campaign--which has bleated that it does NOT pay influencers--paid almost $2 million to an "influencer agency" called Village Marketing.  But you must believe biden's handlers that his campaign does NOT pay influencers!  See the difference?  Not the same thing at ALL, citizen!

Polls suggest biden is losing support among younger voters.  A recent NBC poll claimed Porridgebrain "holds a commanding advantage among voters who regularly consume traditional news.  (So advertise on NBC, eh?) But they quietly admitted that "Trump leads decisively those among those who say they rely primarily on social media for information."

This enthusiasm gap among young voters can be clearly seen on platforms like TikTok.  Since the biden campaign officially joined the platform in February--four months ago--it has gotten about 375,000 followers.  Trump joined TikTok less than two weeks ago and has amassed 6.2 MILLION followers.

You'll note that the Mainstream Media never shows video of Porridgebrain lying, bragging, boasting and inventing incomprehensible words.  Of course those clips are exist--only if you know where to look.  Young voters know where to look: the internet.

Young people don't have the experience to spot many cons.  But they do have enough to see the obvious ones, like

  • "The southern border is totally secure.
  • "Crime is way down!"  
  • "Prices are going down!"  
  • "Islam is your friend." 
  • "Men can become actual, authentic women by saying so!"

The list is endless.  But the Democrats know they can reverse the trend if they just spend enough millions hiring "influencers."

Source: Ace of Spades



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