As you may have noticed, people are VERY good at sniffing out ways to make money. And in the last 30 years or so the two best ways to make money are 1) get installed as preznit or congresswhore; and 2) supply components to the Greenies for "renewable energy."
SOooo, whut dis, eh?
Lots of you know, but to set the stage: Duh greenies noticed that around 1860 ranchers discovered that you could get enough energy to pump water from underground with a "windmill." So around 1990 dey sed "We hates oil an' gas an' coal an' nuclear cuz dey gon' kill duh Erf. An' we don' need any of 'em, cuz we kin power ouah whole country wif' duh clean WIND! Yay!"
Engineers--people who actually know things like physics and structures--laughed at the Greenies' naivete. But the greenies had a sorta-secret weapon: dey knew they could get vote-pandering politicians to do anything they wanted!
So, they got the naive, vote-pandering sons of bitches in congress to pass a law called PURPA, which forced electric utilities to buy electricity from windmill farms at an artificially high price.
You will never guess what happened next: At that point lots of really smaht grifters saw a chance to cash in--forever--by starting companies to build "wind turbines," which were bought by other grifters.
WELL...the amount of electricity you can capture by a windmill is proportional to the SQUARE of the blade length. More electricity means more money for the people operating "wind farms," thus more orders for companies making longer blades.
Got it yet? Sure ya do, citizen! So the utterly predictable happened, and the thing you see above is a single blade for a "wind turbine." It's longer than a football field.
Longer than a football field. Has a life of maybe 20 years. And can't be recycled. Fortunately the birds the things kill can be recycled, but unfortunately not as new birds, only as food for worms. And greenies just shrug, saying "Hey, cats kill way more birds than windmills," which is true. It's just so much fun to see how they rationalize something that would have horrified them before it became a higher priority than birds.
SO...this is yet another example of what earlier writers called "The extraordinary madness of crowds." Democrat strategists sniffed a huge opportunity in exploiting the screams of "Global Warming," and compassionate liberals eagerly supported every scheme that came along claiming to reduce the use of carbon fuels. But they didn't want nuclear, cuz...well, nuclear. And they banned construction of new dams to produce hydroelectric power.
That pretty much left two sources: windmills and solar panels. We're getting both by the boatload.
Engineers have told ya these sources are far more costly than conventional sources. Not only that, but because wind and solar are "intermittent," then big steam turbines have to be constantly spinning, fired up and ready to take over at the push of a button when wind and solar drop off.
We told ya, but of course you didn't listen. You bought the beautiful lies of duh greenies--morons like AOC and Adam Schiff and Chuckie Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.
The great thing is, you have no idea what your electric bill was a decade ago. And five years from now you won't recall what it was today. And the beauty of your Democrat party being totally supported by the Media is that the Media won't tell ya how much your electric bill has risen.
Like taking candy from a baby, eh?
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