Federal judge rules biden's DECREE allowing men to use women's locker rooms is...
If you've been off-planet for three years you may not have heard that biden's handlers got him to sign an ORDER forcing every school and university in the country to allow men claiming to be women to a) compete in women's sports; and b) to use women's locker rooms, bathrooms and so on.
The handlers did that by unilaterally declaring that Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 now made "gender" a specially-protected class, entitled to all the protections the act gave women and girls.
Normal Americans were outraged by that. But what could they do? Duh preznit done signed an ORDER, so nuthin' can be done, eh?
Got a shock for ya, socialists: That's called "re-writing laws," and the Constitution says preznits aren't allowed to do that. Just congress.
So a year ago some deplorable state Attorney-general sued the biden regime.
And just two days ago a federal judge told biden's handlers that what they did was totally illegal.
The ruling itself is great enough, but there are two more bombshells here: First is that the ruling was via what's called a "summary judgment." What that means is that even if every argument made by the defendant biden regime is accepted as true, the law still finds for the other side. WOW.
Second is this: Google "state of texas v. Miguel Cardona et al." There's not a single mention newer than a month ago. Then keep the same search but now look under the laughable google heading "news." Same result: not a single word as of 12:20 eastern time on June 13th.
Wow. The liberals sons of bitches who run the media did NOT want anyone to hear about this ruling, because it was such a huge (and clearly well deserved) defeat for the regime.
My guess is that in a day or so we'll start to see articles in the Lying Mainstream Media about this ruling, but the thrust will be "Conservative judge in cruel, oppressive red state bars 'women' from playing sports or using the restroom!"
I suspect the regime will appeal the ruling. Problem is, they'll have to appeal to a slightly conservative court of appeals, which means they have to argue either that when congress passed Title IX it intended the protected class to include men pretending to be women, or if it didn't, that this is a perfectly logical interpretation of the law.
Can't wait to hear those arguments.
So...a defeat for the biden regime and the trannie mafia, eh? Which is why you won't hear a word about this in the Mainstream Media until they can write their pro-tranny propaganda pieces.
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